It is Wednesday again. One thing about a holiday on
Monday it makes the week seem to fly by. We are having
a bit of a heat wave. So I have spent a lot of time outside
taking care of my garden and my animals.
I look forward each week to Patrice's questions from Everyday Rurality.
I always wonder what she will come up with to make me think. So I will
get to those questions.
What weight goal? :) I did go back to Weight Watchers last week. I need the accountability
of going each week to weigh in and I wasn't as fat as I thought. That was a nice surprise.
It helps me to know that I have to weigh in so don't eat what ever it was I was going to pop
in my mouth and it helps me to make myself go get exercise.
I would say busy as ever. I think it is just going to be this way from now on with my family
and their friends. When you have grand babies that want to come over to hang out at gama's
house it is just a busy time of life. I am very thankful for all of the busyness of life.
I have only went twice so far. I have put my feet in but I am shy about putting on a bathing
suit and with all of these kids here I don't go swimming. Silly huh?
I went to my 10 year I think it was, I went to more of my husband's reunions though, because
I liked his friends better. His friends were the friends we ran around with when we got married and I knew more of the people in his year of high school.
Wow that is hard to choose one, because I would like to do all of them. I love picnics and I would love to spend a day on a houseboat on a lake and I love going to the mall and shopping with my daughter and I always, always love visiting with old friends and new ones. :)
Thank you so much for stopping by today. As always it is a nice way to spend a Wednesday
with Patrice.
gama's house sounds like it's a bustling place these days...
I need to get back on track with my weight loss. My brother is getting married in October and I really would like to drop at least one dress size. I could use two dress sizes but I am trying to set realistic goals. Have a wonderful rest of the week!!
Good morning! Ah the never ending battle of the weight...soo draining. I DEFINITELY need the accountability of the "weigh in" haha...and every time I think I don't, the pounds begin to climb. It bothers me sometimes that I am that weak, but so far it is what it is...sigh....I am nearing the 30 pound mark...to bad there is still soo much more to go. Oh well, enough of that. Yes, the heat is here too I am very sorry to say. I was soo enjoying our weather but I knew this would come. I am hoping for a little let up before Sat as Mel's baby shower is outside. Could be REALLY warm out there, haha. Have a good day Kim. Hugs, Debbie
they have great swim suits these days that cover a lot, mine really looks like shorts & a tank top.
i love picnics, followed by a bike ride, that's my favorite!!!!
I appreciate any busyness now way more than I used to. I think I took it for granted and, when the last of the lovelies moved out it went dead around here! Maybe one of them will give us grands one day!
Dear Kim, I'm glad that you weigh in as less than what you expected but I'd like you even if you were fat, which you are NOT.
I think that you need to make an appointment to go swimming in the evening with your husband. Now how romantic can that be and have a little picnic with wine, cheese and crackers, on a blanket by the pool. If you don't have wine on hand then some cool lemonade or water will do. Put some nice music on and dance, just the two of you... JB
Thanks for joining in. I think the busyness is better than too much quiet. But every now and then I crave a bit of quiet. Just a bit!
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