I hope you had a very nice weekend. Welcome to August.
I can't believe that the year is once again going by so fast.
Erma Bombeck called August the longest month and not one holiday.
I finally found the Jack-be-Little's in the garden. They were
somewhere that I didn't remember planting them.

I hope I have lots more than these two. I try to stay away
and not count my pumpkins before they turn orange. :)
Do you remember in the movie "Babe." How Fly was always
kissing the pig? Fly was always kissing everything. Even the duck.
When I got Sasha, and she was a pup she would kiss my chicks
when they were little. It drove me crazy because I would think she
would react like a normal dog and realize she was tasting chicken.
She never did and still my chickens are never afraid of her and just
walk by her even when she is in her round up the chickens mode.
She loves Hobo's kittens. Since the kittens have turned out to be better
than television for our family. Someone is always outside watching the
cats. In fact, I often here the words, " Oh I am going outside to see the kitties.
This is Sasha watching the kitties.

Hobo is a wonderful Mom and she is never threatened by
Sasha. The kittens just watch with their little innocent faces.

They have even got used to the bath from the dog.
I guess it is just Sasha and her temperament. I have
never seen her kill anything. Well, I take that back,
she stomps bugs. Funnest thing you ever saw.
She will find an ant hill and stand and stamp on ants.
I told my husband I was going to write a blurb about him
in this post. He said it was okay. We had just finished
cleaning up after dinner. I asked him if there was anything
he wanted to watch tonight. He said "No, did I?" I said, " I have had a hankering to watch
Pride and Prejudice" (Colin Firth)
He said, " Oh good, I have been wanting to watch that too."
I told him that he was the best husband in the whole wide world
and I just had to tell you about it.
So I will be watching that and doing a little hooking tonight. I know my sidebar
says I am like Eleanor from Sense and Sensibility. I am afraid though, I am becoming
more and more Mrs. Bennett like.
I hope you all have a lovely week,