I am joining in a Farm Friend Friday today with
Verde Farm
Dandelion House
The people I have met there have been so nice
and I have enjoyed each of my visits. I hope you enjoy
your visit as well. The dog wasn't guarding the gate
when I snapped this picture. This group of girls were
very proud of themselves to have made it out to the garden
with me. I enjoyed seeing them just putter around with me.

I was hoping that the whole bunch were going to make
it out the gate before they were spotted. I think one
of these days I will lock to dog up just so they can
come out and scratch in the dirt outside the fence with me.

I wanted to share some of my eggs that I collected today.
The darker brown on the left are from the Cuckoo Marans
and the Welsummers. The lighter brown ones are from my New
Jersey Giants and then the lighter ones are from my Bard Rocks
and my Red Stars. Then the light greenish egg is from one of my mixed
breed hens. She must have Araucana to lay colored eggs.

This is my Cuckoo Maran that is a chicken like none
other she does march to the beat of a different drummer.
She was around on the other side of the fence when the
dog had rounded up the others and put them in the yard.
As you can see Sasha is inside so no other chicken can escape,
but she missed one. The hen was very proud of herself. I kept her
with me while I fooled around and Sasha wouldn't leave her post
for fear the others would get out. I laughed myself silly watching the looks
on their faces.

I had to take a picture of my very first Iris. It looks
so pretty blooming. I think I do love the color purple
with the touch of yellow.

I wanted to share this with you. Yesterday on my gardening
post Sharon Lovejoy stopped by and visited my blog and left
a comment. I have all of her books and have long dreamed of
having a garden like hers. When I was first married and I moved
from the country to the city and lived in an apartment we had a patch
of dirt. My first garden was some irises that someone was getting rid
of and gave me. I was in heaven.
By the time we bought our house and I had a real garden, I loved nothing
better than my little plot of dirt that I grew vegetables on. Somewhere along
the way, I started reading articles written in magazines written by
Sharon Lovejoy and I would read and dream.
When we finally moved here, I knew that I finally had room to make a garden
like I had read about in her books. I still read her books over and over.
Yesterday she read about my garden. I think that is what is so magic about blogging
the world becomes more personal and little things like a comment can be more
precious than gold.
I hope you enjoy Farm Friend Friday and all of the lovely ladies who have
the nicest blogs to visit.
Have a lovely Friday,