Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It is that time this week to go and visit with Patrice and visit
on her porch. It is a good thing we are using her porch. It is to hot
at my house today. Everyday Rurality

This weeks questions:

1. What kind of camera do you use?

I use a little point and shoot Cannon, it is my son's camera but he lets me use it.

2. What will you have for Thanksgiving dinner? If not in the US, tell us about a special meal, please.

We will smoke a turkey on our smoker. Then we will have the normal Thanksgiving food, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes,
salads, Yeast rolls and lots of desserts.

3. What's the biggest vehicle you've driven?

Just my car, which it a big thing that we bought so we could pull our travel trailer and haul all of our kids.

4. Have you ever been on a train? This can be a commuter train or the chugga-chugga-choo-choo kind.:)

Yes, I have rode a train. I like trains.

5. What question would you like to ask the people visiting on my porch next week?

Why did you decide to start a blog?



Debbie said...

i love trains also kim, there is something so comforting about the sound of a train whistle. perhaps because i know it is bringing people home!!

TexWisGirl said...

so my guess is your 'car' is not a car at all and something along the lines of a suburban or SUV. :)

Meg said...

Thanksgiving, thanksgiving, thanksgiving! I can't wait for turkey! Haha.

Nancy said...

I always love hearing what kind of cameras people use.....and thanksgiving I am with Meg...I can't wait for the big day and all the good food......

Thank you for your sweet and encouraging comments you left for me...I really appreciate your stopping by.....

Kim said...

I think I might do American thanksgiving too. It's my favorite holiday and since ours is over I'm a little jealous :)

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

I love all your beautiful photos. The old wheel barrel filled with pumpkins is my favorite. Thanksgiving dinner is something I look forward to every year.

Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

First of all...I want your wheel barrel, can you just send it this way? Too cute..and great picture with all the abundance inside of it.

Benjamin loves trains and I have started to love them also...I would love to take a full trip on one...that is one of the old trains.

Patrice said...

My porch wouldn't be the same without your visits!I'm a big fan of Thanksgiving. What's better than to thank the one who gives us so much!

Empty Nester said...

Trains are very scary things for me! I was traumatized by a steam driven train and some Indians when I was little. I'm still working on my Thanksgiving recipes- trying to make everything gluten and sugar free!

Tami AKA My Kid's Mom said...

I love smoked turkey - maybe I'll do that this year!

Debbie said...

Good morning....my youngest son is talking about smoking a turkey this year...I think it sounds wonderful, so we will see...Do you always do that?
I am with Janette...I LOVE your wheel barrel. Have a wonderful day! HUGS

Cathy Kennedy said...

JanetteI love you photos, especially of the rocker and the old wooden wheel barrow with pumpkins. How nice!

Now, to answer your question. I began blogging as a means for self promoting my children's book. Blogging has been a wonderful tool to launch my presence across the net and even has allowed me to sell a few copies of my story to people I would have otherwise never met. During the process, I learned this is something I enjoy doing even if I don't sell too many books. It kind of gives me purpose. Thanks for chit chatting with the rest of us!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Oops, forgive me Farmgirl...I thought I read your name as Janette but that's one of your follower. I need another cup of coffee. You have permission to smit me with a feather or something soft. Yeah, I didn't want it to be a rod cause that would hurt to much. =D

Check out some of my posts...
Wednesday Hodgepodge
Chit Chat On Patrice’s Farmhouse Porch
Wayback Wednesdays…1995

Have a good day!
Cathy Kennedy, Children’s Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Oh, that's a good question for Patrice's next week's chat :)

We don't 'do' Thanksgiving here in the UK like you do in the US, but I reckon I'll make the effort to go the whole hog this year.... just cos my heart is in the US anyway!
Anne x

Stephanie V said...

I have never had a smoked turkey...it sounds like a nice change on the oven-roasted one most of us make. Great question for next week.

Samantha said...

My only train ride included the conductor discussing the site of the Great Train Wreck of something-or-other..as we passed the site.

Maryann said...

I have never smoked a turkey but my husband has wanted to deep fry one...we never have I have always been afraid all that hot oil would start something one fire or it would be greasy, so it will be oven roasted this year as usual. Cn't believe its even time to talk about Thanksging

Julia said...

Hey Kim, I would like you to make a post on your Thanksgiving dinner and how you smoke your turkey. You have the kids to take photos. That would be awesome. JB