It is a good thing that Patrice does Chats on the Farmhouse Porch.
I have been so busy for the last two days that my brain has
been in the deep freeze which effects my fingers so that
I can't spell.
Anyway, On to the questions:
1. Did you have a way to earn money as a child or teen?
When I was 5 years old my grand parents bought a cow for me. When the cow calved (had her baby) it was mine. Then when the calf was weaned and sold to the sale, they would take that money and put it in my saving account. As I got older, I raised more steers.
Then I went to work in my Dad's store, so there was always a way to make money.
2. Does your body run hot or cold? (Are you in a sweater/jumper when everyone else is in short sleeves or do you wear a sweatshirt when everyone has on parkas?)
I think I must run about normal. I don't notice that I am one way or the other.
3. What's your level of computer savvy?
I don't consider myself computer savvy, but I am surrounded by a houseful of very talented
people who are so that helps. They are all willing to come and show me anything I ask so I am very blessed in that way.
4. When you have pasta, do you prefer a red sauce (marinara type) or a white sauce (fettuccine type)?
I have never really been a big fan of pasta. Now that I am not eating wheat, it is okay with me.
I have never really been fond of sauces either. My kids love it all so I will fix them both.
5. What's your favorite thing to put in brownies?
My teeth. :) Oh I don't know, just plain ole brownies. My kids like to chop them up and put them
in ice cream. Again, not eating wheat nor sugar either so I am not eating brownies.
Thanks to Patrice for always thinking up questions, I hope you week is a good one.
I love when you come by for a chat!
Your teeth. Hahaha!
Your answer on the browinies was so funny! Why didn't I think of that? Oh yeah, I haven't had my second cup of coffee yet.
Check out some of my posts...
Wayback Wednesdays…1994
Wednesday: Chit Chat on Patrice’s Farmhouse Porch & Hodgepodge
Have a good day!
Cathy Kennedy, Children’s Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes
I'm with you on the sugar. My body isn't real happy eating it. So that lets out an awful lot of stuff in the food world, doesn't it?
Never would have thought of chopping them up. I guess they never lasted that long with my kids.
my teeth! ha ha! good one, kim!
No wheat, no pasta, no brownies she says. Like it's nothing! I would perish...
Blessings, Debbie
Kudos to you for cutting out the sugar, wheat, ad pasta! Wish I could do that.
Kim, you are so strong to cut out wheat and sugar from your diet. I could only do it for a little while. I hope that you are feeling better by cutting for it. I too like your answer about the teeth in the brownies.
LOL No one could beat your answer to the brownie question....Love it!!
My answers are #1. I just asked for it. Yes, I was spoiled.
#2 I'm a hot tamale (not really Lol) but my thyroid makes me too warm all the time.
#3 I'm a geek - Love all the gadgets
#4 I prefer the creamy white sauces (because they are probably worse for you than the red ones!)
#5 Can't top your answer. :)
You are so disciplined...I could not live without bread!
Heeehehehe!!! I love your brownie answer!!! Me too!
God bless ya and have a magnificent day sweetie!!! :o)
Hi Kim!
Lately, I can't predict if I'll be hot or cold! Today was red and green day at school, so I wore a green wig. Wig's are HOT!
Sending lots of love your way, sweet friend!
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