It is time once again to meet with Patrice and have a chat.
I always look forward to meeting new and old friends.
Patrice has a nice blog called Everyday Rurality.

Barbie asks: What's your favorite coffee drink?
Just plain old coffee. I put honey and milk into it though and I think that is my downfall. I need to be drinking it black. Coffee for me is all about the social aspect. In the morning, My husband brings my first cup of coffee and we sit and talk and plan our day. Then in the afternoon, the kids come in from school and they have coffee and I sit and visit with them and find out about their day.
Dreaming asks: What's the chore you hate the most that you wish Blogger would come do?
I just don't know if there is anything that I hate that much. I am of the old school, if I am reluctant to do something I just get busy and do it so I don't have to think about it.
Farm Girl asks: Why did you decide to start a blog?
Since this was my question, I was curious about why others started blogging. I started blogging because my Mom was sick. I thought I would just do it for her. When she died, I was lost, what I found out then was I was lonely. I have enjoyed making friends and now I am not lonely anymore. So for me, I have received far more than I have ever given.

Suzanne asks: Who's your most famous relative?
I don't know if I have any that I would want to talk about. :)
Cathy Kennedy asks: Have you ever given yourself a home perm?
Nope, I never had the nerve to do that, I have bleached it and I have pierced my own ears but
never had the guts to do that.
Thanks so much for having the linky party this week Patrice.

Just a chicken update.
I had my white hen out in the yard yesterday. I had to leave and take the dog to a vet appointment. The hawk
always knows when I leave the house. I got home from the vet and up next to the swimming pool fence was white
feathers. I knew immediately what it was, when a hawk gets a chicken the feathers are in a pattern. I do chicken
CSI sometimes.
My heart was in my shoes. I ran outside cursing myself for being so dumb and not thinking about the hawk. I followed
a trail of feathers and she was hiding behind the chicken house. I think because she is a big hen and he is only a
sharp-shinned hawk, she was too heavy. I was so glad.
I left her in the coop today.
She just had some missing feathers but he didn't break the skin.
Thanks to Patrice and I look forward to going around and visiting your
Have a great Wednesday!
I'm glad your hen was okay. I like your attitude towards getting things done.. I do it to, but I complain a bit some days. I always love it when you sit a spell on my porch!
oh yikes. that hawk got too close!
Good getting to know you!
I am so relieved that your hen was fine. Poor little gal!
Love the question/answer stuff!!
I love these stories. I always leave here thinking how fortunate those animals are to have ou for their 'mom'. I'm thinking they already know that! :)
Oh boy! that happened to my mom's chickens. I got two for her last christmas. It didn't last long about 8 months. I told her I would get her some more but she said no. She didn't want to go through that again. Love your blog I'll be back :)
That chicken has more lives than a lucky cat. So glad that she was OK. I hope that the dog is OK too since you took her to the vet.
I love my coffee in the morning but I don't drink too much or I get shaky.I love your answers too. GB
i really love these chats!! i am a tea drinker, i don't like coffee, but i adore coffee ice cream!!
thanks for the chicken update...i love those also!!
Seeing feathers is never a good sign, I am so happy to hear your hen is safe. Truly, you need tough skin to be a chicken keeper. I so enjoy your chats, learning about your life, and everything wonderful about your Field Of Dreams. Hugs, Julie.
Glad your chicken is ok. Bet she had a scare. I enjoy your chats on the porch. It is very intersting.
You pierced your own ears?!? *shivers* Gosh it was bad enough when someone else did it to mine.
Yay for fat chickens! Haha. Stupid hawk... Maybe one of the kitties will get him.
WOW...I am impressed on the piercing your own ears...don't think I could have done that..Glad your chicken was safe! I think I am going to check on this link too as I am curious why others started to blog too. Have a good day! HUGS
Oh Kim, I'm so glad she is alright. I bet she was relieved today when she stayed in the coop.
Another good time spent sitting on your porch. Glad everything turned out okay.
So glad the hen is ok - part of living on a farm though- wait till you get a weasel in the chicken coop!
What a nice coffee tale- sounds perfect. I'm like you on the chore thing. If it's something I dread, I get in there and get it over with. That way, it's not hanging over my head! Hubs is the opposite. He puts it off and puts it off and puts it off. And basically never gets it done. Drives me NUTS!
So glad the hen is ok! I was having a heart attack reading about it!
Fun post again...Oh home perms...I can just smell them now, and of course, home dye jobs also....and the mistakes!
Love your reason for blogging...I think there are more that fell into it that way and the find God meet them there with healing in his wings.
Sorry about the chicken but so glad she is okay...there is a lesson there in her being too heavy to lift!
I love coffee, especially in social environments, too. There is something special about bonding with someone while sharing a cup of coffee together, isn't there?
Wednesday Hodgepodge 50th Edition
Chit Chat On Patrice’s Farmhouse Porch
Mystery Revealed...What's In The Pot?
Also, come join my mid-week meme, I co-host...
Wayback Wednesdays...1996
Ooh! You pierced your own ears? Ouch!
Your day sounds lovely and coffee just enhances it. I have nursing friends who have your attitude to work that is not so much fun. They are always on task. I am such a procrastinator.
You pierced your own ears......WOW I am in awe.
Glad the chicken was ok, poor thing. Yikes did you really pierce your own ears? A friend of my moms did mine back in the day when we used ice cubes to numb the ear before it got poked with a big old needle
I'm so happy to hear that White Hen is okay! I'm sure she needed a bit of soothing and smoothing, didn't she?
How upsetting to come home to find her feathers like that. I am so glad that she is OK!
I have some infamous relatives, too. Frank and Jesse James, for starters. haha Come on, give us a peek into your unmentionable relatives. :)
I'm a new follower here from Patrice's porch. Have a great evening!
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