Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch

It is Wednesday again and time to chat with Patrice.
This is her week to chat on her Farmhouse Porch.


1. If you could bring someone to Patrice's porch to join in on our chat, who would you bring?

I don't know.

2. What's your favorite thing to make when fall rolls around? (Can be food, or maybe a craft.)

I love sewing in front of the fire in the wood stove.

3. How many times a month do you go to a library or bookstore?

Normally about once a week, I go to the library but right now I am so busy that I haven't gone in over a month, with no plans to which is very odd for me.

4. What things make blogs the best?

Personal interaction and making friends.

5. If someone would pay for you to take a class (any class- college-private-online-at a craft store-the sky's the limit here, my friends), what class would you take? (BTW- I wish I could go "poof" with my magic wand and make this happen for each of you!)

I would go take a week of rug hooking classes just so I could watch other (rug) hookers. I learn by watching and I think it would help me so much.

Thanks to Patrice and her lovely questions.


Stephanie V said...

If you could come to my back porch, we could hook some rugs together. That might get me going again. I've been so busy with other things that I've let the rug hooking slide a bit. Maybe once I've learned how to fly...

TexWisGirl said...

i would take a digital photography class. :)

Silver Strands said...

sewing in front of the wood stove ... perfect!

Julia said...

Kim, I sense a tiredness taking over. I hope that you are taking time for you these days. Without you nothing would get done. I should know as I'm the same way. Hugs, JB

Kim said...

I would need a really big porch because I can think of so many I would invite. In the fall I want to make soups and stews and I would really love to take a pottery class someday. (Maybe I have watched Patrick Swayze in Ghost too many times!)

Homeschool on the Croft said...

I think you're right about learning by watching. I always find it fascinating to watch others doing stuff - painting, sewing etc...
Anne x

Empty Nester said...

Oh yeah! Rug hooking classes. I guess I'll add those to my already long list! LOL

Sue said...

Love this Kim, my favorite is sitting by the fire sewing,
So peaceful. thanks for the chat on the porch, always learn something new.

Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

So enjoyed setting with you on your porch...I too love sewing in front of the fire..which doesn't happen much, but sounds so cozy. Oh that class just sounds wonderful