It is Monday so I thought it was a good day for a day book entry.
I would like to say thank you to Peggy for doing this each month.
If you would like to link up and have your own daybook entry just visit
Outside my window... The sky is dirty brown and smoky. We have had thunder and lighting storms this weekend, which set over 50 fires all around us. The smell of smoke and the
ash drifting down, reminds me of all of the people out trying to put these fires out so
I stay safe.
I am thinking...This morning has been crazy. My husband has to go out of town at the last
minute. I had to change gears as fast as he had to change clothes. All of the things that
go racing through my mind and as I adjust to another schedule change.
I am thankful... Life is never boring and my feet are planted on a solid rock that cannot be
From the learning rooms...(if this applies)On days like today, I am thankful for the
peacefulness of doing school. It becomes my calm in the midst of a busy day.
In the kitchen...I am on my second week of no wheat. None, zilch, Nada. My husband
seeing such a difference in me decided he would too. So now to do that I must cook.
and be very creative. My cravings are all gone and so is my hay fever and my
never ending tiredness. It is just the jumping through hoops to cook.
I am wearing...Camo shorts a black shirt and my tennis shoes with white socks.
I am creating... I am still working on my Halloween rug.
I am going...To be at home all week. Yay!!!
I am wondering...if we will get more lighting and thunder today like the weather man said.
I am reading...The Bible and I read a very interesting book called Wheat Belly It answers lots of questions I have wondered about food.
I am hoping...All of the weather cools off everywhere.
I am looking forward to...Getting all of my work finished today.
I am hearing...The sound of the drier, the meadowlark outside the window, the quiet roar
of the traffic, the sound of someone upstairs getting ready for school.
Around the house... I am so glad it is filled to the brim with life.
I am pondering...How does the house get so dirty on weekends.
One of my favorite things...Is have a clean house and getting to sit down and
pick up my sewing and having the feeling of contentment wash over me.
A few plans for the rest of the week:To get out my sewing machine and do some sewing
I have been putting off.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

I hope you all have a wonderful week.
No wheat? I can see how that might make you be creative in the kitchen. Good luck and let us know how you are progessing with it.
I love the day book. I hope your thunder and lightening is over and the fires get under control.
Kim, Im sorry about your husband having to be away at the last minute and all the fires and the smoke. How awful. I hope that you stay safe and sound and that the fires will all be put out soon.
I'm so glad that you are feeling better just by eliminating wheat from your diet and that your feet are on rock solid ground.
Have a great day.
Oh I like this! What a neat way to journal.....I want to try this!
That Clean House thing? I GET that feeling too:D
It's interesting that wheat is getting so much attention. At least 3 of our grandkids have wheat allergies. It's hard to change your whole way of thinking about recipes and what to fix. You're doing great!
I was always thankful for a full house too but they grew up anyway. And I still miss them- even though I fill my days in other ways now. I have cut the meat out of our diets and now am working on the wheat. I have found some wonderful brown rice pasta- I haven't heard the bad news about that yet and, until I do, I'm going to enjoy it! LOL
Hi Kim, I need to know more about the no wheat, I am needing some energy, and am wondering if it is diet related.
I always enjoy reading the Daybooks, and enjoyed yours so much.. Your hands are always so busy creating. Every time I come, I tell myself, I am going to get some things done.Thanks for the motivation.~smile~ just need some energy.
We had a busy weekend, Dear grandson-son Will came by, what a treat.
i always like how you take us along thru your days. wow. no wheat. wow! good luck! sounds like it is worthwhile for you!
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