Here is is at Wednesday again. Time to answer Patrice's fun questions
from her farm house porch.
1. Would you rather cook or clean house?
That is a tough question because I enjoy both. I think though cleaning house is my favorite. There is something just homey and comforting to me when my house is clean. I love arranging and making thing look pretty.

2. Who do you resemble in your family?
I would want to look like my mother but I have days when I look in the mirror I see my Dad and my grandmother.

3. Have you tried e-books yet?
Yes, and I am not wild about it. I like what I read in a book so I can go back and read it over and with a ebook I never settle down to enjoy it like I do with book.

4. Do you collect anything?
Well, I guess I do, books :) I have a collection of Daddy Long Leg dolls, and I have 8 sewing machines. I do collect out of print, first edition books. I also started a collection of Norman Rockwell plates. Gee, I didn't know I had that many. I have always told my kids that I would be collecting things that when I am gone will be worth money, so don't just have a yard sale unless you have it valued first. Some of my first editions are worth lot of money.

5. What's your favorite fall tradition?
Oh I love everything about fall. The colors and the pumpkins and the pies and the cooler weather. I don't know if I really have a per say fall tradition.

I want to say thank you to Patrice and I look forward to going around
and chatting on all of your farmhouse porches this week.
Hi Kim, I think that your answers are pretty close to mine except the fall tradition. Family Thanksgiving turkey dinners. Now that my daughter has a huge house I'm sure that the tradition will continue at her house. It's pretty difficult now for me to work at the farm and prepare large dinners for my family at the same time. Your flowers pictures are so beautiful. JB
You'll have to teach me how to recognize valuable books. I have an idea of what's rare in your collection (first edition, dust jacket, intact plates), but if there's anything else, I'll need to know that. I'm embarking on my own slow book collections, I just need to know who to collect. I'm pondering Elizabeth Goudge, but I need to read more of her work before I'm sure.
Most of the things I collect are only of sentimental value. But I love them! I love everything about fall too but NOT cleaning! LOL
My mirror shows me my dad and my grandmother too...
Blessings, Debbie
I love just about everything about fall too.
you and i are complete opposites. i dread cooking and cleaning. and i almost never read books. :)
and i don't decorate either...
I LOVED reading about you in this post. And the pictures are beautiful too!
Oooo, I love the feel of autumn your blog background brings. And, I'm totally with you I pretty much love everything about fall, too. Thanks for visiting!
Stop by today to read these posts…
Wayback Wednesdays…1992
Chit Chat on Patrice’s Farmhouse Porch
Autumn wishes!
Cathy Kennedy,
Children's Author, “The Tale of Ole Green Eyes”
I love a clean house - I just don't love cleaning it. I much prefer cooking (and having someone else clean up the dishes) Lol
Favorite fall tradition - walking in the woods with the dead leaves crunching under foot and coming home to a fresh pumpkin pie. Mmmmm
Educate me, please. What are Daddy Long Legs Dolls? Do they have anything to do with the sweet book by the same name?
well, i must confess that i don't love to cook but i love to bake ;) you probably already know that. i love to clean and decorate and i love any kind of a "house themed project"!! when chuck makes a list, i get pretty darn excited!!
One collection can lead to another, can't it? I'm not familiar with Daddy Longleg dolls - going to look them up.
Wonderful read sweetie but most of all I adore those beautiful pictures!!! WOW!
Have a blessed day sweeite!!! :o)
I am so enjoying reading your Wednesday porch chats, Kim, as i was reading I was thinking this is exactly the way I feel about the collections, (until today I had not heard of Daddy Long Leg dolls), books, and my house. Your photos are so beautiful.
Don't you just love these chats? We can all be so different, yet have so much in common at the same time, if that makes sense!!! If you get a chance, stop by and visit me at Wise Old Owl!
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