Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Morning

It is a beautiful morning today. The promised cold front
from the gulf of Alaska arrived sometime during the night.
The windows are all opened and the doors on my office are
standing wide. The breeze is exhilarating. It makes my mind
clear and it is so nice to breathe.
Just so you know, these are old picture of our sugar maple tree.
This spring, our sugar maple died. I still am not recovered.
We have to take it out. My son wants the wood. I don't know
what was down deep along the side of our house but the trees
all get so big and then they just die.

I hope we can find another one to replace it. I don't have any trees
that are this pretty.
With the doors open I can hear the wind rustling through the leaves.
The tree in the front yard, is almost bare. It is always the first tree
to loose leaves and the first to get them in the spring. With the doors
open I can hear the meadowlarks. All summer we have had a meadowlark
that lived in the front yard. He walked all around the yard. I would go to
get the mail and he would be sitting under a tree like a small chicken.
Now, he sings in the front yard. I know he has friends as I see them
in the late afternoon, but they go on about their bird business and he
just stays, solitary, happy browsing for bugs.

I love how the red leaves look so pretty against the white
of the fence and the brown of the pasture next door. This is
an old picture as the man behind me had not yet built his
garage to build race cars.

Almost all of my flowers are gone now, they are now
brown stalks, with lots of seeds. I try and let the winds
blow so the seeds with just blow and in the spring I will find
surprises growing everywhere.

I hope your Sunday is lovely. I know mine is and
today, I am thankful.



Kim said...

It sounds great. I'm glad you got your cool weather. We need some here. It is hot here today - like July weather.

Kessie said...

I know, it's such a gorgeous morning! Alex proclaimed it "icy" and put on sweats.

TexWisGirl said...

i am glad you got some refreshing weather again!

Miss Debbie said...

You fall leaf background is lovely and so are your pictures. Nothing is turning colors here yet...I look forward to that. Enjoyed your post yesterday about the grocery store. In the past, people that I did not know would approach me in the grocery store and ask me questions about where things were or ask me to help them reach something.Your post reminded me of that. It doesn't happen much anymore. I hope it is not because I don't look or act approachable. I am going to be more mindful of that. Thanks for the prompt! :-)

Meg said...

Isn't this weather delicious?? We've already got the smoker going for a slow cooked tri-tip and we're being lazy with the windows open... Ben's playing guitar and I'm about to go read and knit! :D

Pom Pom said...

Hi, Kim! Thank you for the birthday wishes! I love your fall look here on your blog!
Have you read Susan Branch's The Autumn Book? You'd love it!

Maryann said...

Our Sunday has been rainy, in fact its been rainy all all weekend. There was supposed to be a sand castle competition at the oceanfront this weekend but I am sure it got washed out along with all the other festivities. No complaints though weather is perfect for napping. Still warm, I believe I am ready for some cooler weather.

Debbie said...

gorgeous....i love the third one!!

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

One more day of temps in the 80s, then cooler weather, here in NH. I have a log in the fireplace waiting for fall! Love your pictures!

Gail said...

Nice rain this morning and a pleasant working day. I love this weather!!!

We have not had our first frost yet so we have fall flowers and the fall garden. I am gonna miss them when they're gone.

Beautiful pictures.

Gumbo Lily said...

My flowers are mostly seeds now too. I'm glad that they're planting themselves.

Alica said...

Oh, I would love to have some of that weather! So glad you can enjoy a beautiful day! We've been having damp, humid weather and it's to stay around for the west of the week. Then hopefully we'll ease into fall.

Patrice said...

Welcome fall! Cooler weather makes me smile. I love the leaves on your blog wallpaper.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

I hope your cold front visits us in New England. It was so hot and muggy today. Beautiful photos of your property. Isn't it sad when a tree dies.

Donna said...

You are right Kim...the weather is sure changing already! I love your photos, so pretty especially your header! It makes me think about my life and how that keeps changing too.

Donna said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!!!
I am so ready for cooler weather, but I'm wondering if it will ever come? It was HOT here today, ok not triple digits like we had, but still hot. But I can enjoy Autumn thru your photos, thanks for sharing!!!

Sue said...

Oh! Kim, this sounds so perfect, I am so glad you have finally gotten some fall weather. I think the humid and warm weather has arrived here, we are promised cooler temps. by the weekend.

I am so glad for the many simple pleasures. that are given to us each day by our heavenly Father,such as being serenaded by our feathered friends.

Sorry about your Maple tree, we have lost some trees , due to lightening strikes. They were so big, we had to call a specialist to cut them down, one being near our chicken coop. Thus having to take the chicken fence down and now dh decided to extend the fence and repair our coop, so I guess you might say something good came out of our loss. ~grinning~. I was really wanting a new one! lol.
Enjoy your day, I will be canning beans.

Julia said...

Kim, I glad that you are finally getting some cool breeze so you can sleep and breath better. How sad that you lost such a beautiful tree. It must have been the heat that didn't agree with it. The trees are starting to change their colors right now and the maples are so beautiful. Some are scarlet red, some are orange and some are yellow , all with variance and it's breath taking beautiful. Have a great week. JB

no spring chicken said...

The death of a tree is so terrible. I never take them for granted. It takes so long for them to reach a size that establishes them as permanent to your yard... We have 2 huge weeping birches that have been attacked by a beetle that is trying to kill them. Our arborist friend came and treated them last fall and we'll do it again this year. We lost 1/3 of one but only a few branches on the other. It was amazing how much shade we lost due to the partial death.

So, hurry and plant another. It needs to start growing!! :)

Blessings, Debbie