Friday, September 23, 2011

Hello Fall, My Long Lost Friend

I am going to re post something I wrote one year ago today.
Cooler weather really does make my spirit sing. Try as hard
as I might I just can't seem to come up with word to write
about fall.
Enjoy this wonderful first day of Autumn.

First Day of Fall.

We are officially into fall, or Autumn. Today the wind chimes
are singing in the beautiful morning air. The weather
is having a bit of a change and as in spring, I go crazy in the fall.
I noticed this morning the light had changed.

Just a simple leaf became a work of art. I have always
been drawn to heart-shapes in nature.
But this morning, I was drawn to the magic that seemed to be
all around me.
I could feel the air that ran across my skin finer than silk.
The trees were dancing for me as their leaves shimmered
in the glorious light with the blue of the sky as
a wonderful roof.

The light seemed to make all things glow. What I love
about morning glories is they take sun light into itself
to make their whole being glow from inside.
Like the beauty of a woman with a baby growing inside of her.
The glow that comes from within that speaks to the quiet beauty
of new life.
When the Holy Spirit comes to live within you,
the Greek word means " quickening." When a woman goes to the
doctor the doctor will ask, " When did you first feel the quickening?"
Which means the first butterfly kiss of the baby moving in your tummy.
So is the sweetness of the Holy Spirit that draws all men unto Himself.
We begin a new life and everything becomes new and all the old has passed

"God wanted us to choose to love Him. Our freedom to choose that would have
been meaningless if we had not also been free not to love Him.
The freedom to obey depends on the freedom to disobey.
The will of God is always bigger, different, far better than we could
(Elisabeth Elliot)
Today is a all of my dreams come true kind of day.

Today the grass beneath my feet was filled with diamonds.
The flowers were all wearing jewels on the petals that sparkled
in the light.

Even the leaves wore the beauty well. Oh I am so thankful
to wake up mornings such as this, to be able to sing of the Glory
of God and be so very thankful today, that I am alive.
Today I will keep my eyes open to all of the magic
that lives in the world.
I hope your Friday, will be lovely and as filled with
joy and promise and all things good.

Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!

(Psalm. 107:6)


TexWisGirl said...

gorgeous raindrop shots. so lovely. enjoy your fall days... said...

Beautiful post...thanks for re-posting..enjoyed the quickening

Happy Fall....hope everything is going well

Debbie said...

such a wonderful time, i love fall!!

Patrice said...


Julia said...

Kim, you have such a poetic soul. I can relate to the gift that gratefulness brings when we stop long enough to let the beauty that nature so freely gives us to penetrate our soul through our senses. All is gift. Have a wonderful autumn weekend. JB

Maryann said...

So glad you reposted this, I missed it the first time so this was a real treat. Loved the Elizabeth Elliot quotes.
Have a blessed weekend

Empty Nester said...

Once again you wax poetic- beautiful words from a woman with a beautiful heart!

Kim said...

You make everything sound pretty. Love your raindrop photos. I've yet to capture a good picture with droplets.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

What a nice post to welcome fall. Your pictures are also lovely. Happy fall Kim.

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

Always lovely to pop in to share your posts. They soothe the soul! Have a blessed weekend!!
Hugs! said...

It was beautiful then, and it's just as beautiful today!


Miss Debbie said...

Lovely post and pictures!

deb said...

I love fall and I wish it would hurry up and come to california!!!!

Pom Pom said...

Morning glories are so photogenic, aren't they? You should see the hollyhock in my neighbor's garden! She's huge! The crickets are singing their autumn song. Time to re-read The Cricket in Times Square!
Bye bye, Pumpkin Girl and thank you for the birthday wishes!

Tracey M. said...

I just started getting your RSS feed a few eeks ago, and just really enjoy it. I am thankful you re-posted this. Oddly enough, I was just outside myself taking a picture of the ONE morning glory that climbed under the fence from my neighbor. It's exactly the color of yours. I too enjoy fall and the Lord's creation ... this post puts it into words so well!

Sue said...

So beautiful Kim,and just how I felt yesterday when I too welcomed fall, it was warm and rainy. For some reason when the new season comes it just energizes me too. Your photos are sooo beautiful!! As always such a joy to visit.