I feel like it has been forever since I finished anything.
My rug hooking just seems to go on and on. I enjoy rug hooking very
much but my rug is so big that it seems like I never get anywhere very fast.

I have set a goal for myself to be finished with it by October 1st.
I would like to put it in front of the fireplace. I think the part with
the pumpkins will go faster than the upper part. The part I am
looking forward to is finally getting to steam it. I love so much of
how rugs change the personality once they are steamed.
Last year my project was this one.

I still really love that witches boot and the saying, but
I am terrible at framing things. Well this year when I got
my cross stitch book there was another design by LaDeDa
This one is called Smell My Feet. I loved it just as much.

It had those same boots that I love and it was so much fun
to stitch. I think why it made me laugh, was when I was
a kid and we were going to get to go trick or treating for the first
time without Mom, we had just heard, " Trick or Treat, smell my feet,
give me something good to eat." My Mom must have heard us plotting
about saying that and since it was maybe my idea I got in trouble. You know
the code of Mom's I knew if I said it, someone's Mom would tell my Mom and
I would be so dead, it didn't matter I was in a costume. So I never said it.
But this stitchery made me laugh at it just the same.

Today I decided my little tool box needed some pumpkins
to fill it up. I just loved the way it looked with all of the tiny pumpkins.
You know I think I enjoy this pumpkin thing way too much. I keep
rearranging them and fooling with them.
The picture at the top of the page with that top pumpkin is really amazing me.
It has been a few days since it was picked and it is starting to turn blue. It looks
more silver in the light but each day it is a little bluer/gray.
I will have to plant more of those next year.
I hope to get my act together enough to start getting some sewing projects
finished. With it getting darker earlier I won't be outside as late.
I hope you have a lovely Thursday,
If you figure out how to get your act together, let me know...Overwhelmed seems to be my MO these days. I've taken an afternoon nap for three days in a row and that's very unusual for me.
Girlfriend you are very talented, love all the festive projects! By golly they put a smile on my face. How I wish I had some of your gorgeous pumpkins. I had hoped to head to the pumpkin patch this weekend, but the rain is coming in...there is a pumpkin shortage here in Maine, also no canned pumkin on the grocery store shelves! Thinking of you, Julie.
i like the little witchy boots too - and like that you had guilt over your mother overhearing your plans as kids... ha! :)
Oh good, I'm glad you're getting to fool with pumpkins. They'll be such fun for a few months! The kids are already looking forward to getting some.
I like your curly-toed witch shoes. They always make me laugh.
Kim, I love all your pumpkins, whatever colors they turn out to be, I counted three pumpkins on my vine but only one is turning orange so far.
Your witches boots are so cute. It makes me smile. My kids used to say that too, Trick or Treat , Smell my feet Give me something good to eat. I wonder who coined that saying.
Have a wonderful rest of the week. Smile, cause I'm watching... JB
Your rug is coming along beautifully! I don't blame you for loving the pumpkins!
I love those shoes too! I've always secretly wanted a pair to wear. You know, to go with my broom. Hehe!
Love the toolbox with the pumpkins - I'll be doing that this weekend!
Good morning! I love all your pumpkins too. I especially like them all stacked in that toolbox. Have a wonderful day! HUGS
Love all the Halloween stitchery! Did you write the 'because' upside down on purpose-I think that is just plain cute!
You have 8 more days until Oct.1st-that's not much time to finish that rug!! Good luck!
I love the rug! I like the faces on the pumpkins. And the witch's boot! And fall! LOL
I love the boots. Maybe I can get a pair like those!
Your rug hooking is looking great. Can't wait to see it finished. The stitched boots are so cute too. We used to say that "smell my feet" thing sometimes, followed by lots of little girl giggles. Funny, nobody ever took us up on the offer - we always got candy! Lol
I went to WalMart and the grocery store and BOUGHT my little pumpkins. I would only DREAM of walking outside and picking them! Either way though, I HAVE to have thse little ones. They are filling some tall glass urns on the mantle and I'm so proud of how they look you would think I did grow them!!
I think your rugs are wonderful!
You are one busy Lady, Kim, and I am in awe of all of your handi work. And a little bit jealous I might add, (in a good way) ~smile~ If I lived nearby, I would visit a lot, so you could teach me, not to mention spending time sharing about everything we love. I am planning to get back to cross stitching, and you have been the one that has motivated me to do this. I would love to rug hook, but don't have the confidence to try, maybe after I remaster cross stitch. ~smile~
I love your pumpkins, and the way you displayed them. I hope your weather soon changes to cooler days, we have been having great temps. and tomorrow we are hoping for more rain, we so need it. Well, Kim as usual I end up writing a letter, instead of a comment. ~laughing~ You know me well don't you. If we were neighbors we wouldn't get anything done because I would talk your ears off. ~ lol~
I think that finishing a project is the hardest part...framing it, backing it, etc. Funny thing is that most of the work is done and the finishing is the easy part. Maybe we just get tired of it or the challenge is over...IDK!I know I have unfinished projects stored away. But God says we should finish as strongly as we start...like the "course" in Acts 20:24. So, here's to finishing...on your mark, get set, GO!
Always love seeing your projects...I truly think, "how does she do it all?"...send some of that energy this way
Great job...
The witch boots are too cute! I love the pumpkin in the top photo....don't you just love to decorate with pumpkins....they seem to always bring the kid out of us again.
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