We had a storm last night with lots of lighting and blowing dust.
When you live in the San Joaquin valley, you have this instead
of flooding this time of year. The weather man said that we were
having ground lighting. It was amazing but no thunder. Weird.
It must of rained a bit so today we have humidly with clouds.
Which makes me feel like a bug under a magnifying glass.
I decided I would do my grocery shopping. My husband had
some things he wanted to build for his trees so I went alone.
We do grocery shopping together as sort of a mini-midweek date.

As I shopped at the grocery store. I noticed things when I am
alone that I don't notice when someone is with me. Maybe
I am paying attention to what is going on. Charles Dickens
walked around London and that is how we got such
wonderful people in his stories just because he watched.
He kept a journal as he made sketches of his people, with words.
I thought I would tell you about the ones I saw.
As I got out of my car I noticed a boy with a orange vest on
that was bringing a basket out to put it with the other baskets.
He very politely asked a man and his young daughter if they needed it
before he put it away. They shook their heads no, as they were just going
to the bank inside.

As I walked in I went down the aisle that has all of the magazines
and the cards, because I was hoping for a new Create and Decorate
magazine and it was there. I was so happy. I love that silly magazine.
As I walked I saw two older women looking for cards. I thought to myself
that I am so terrible with card sending, I never can find what I like and I
never like the junk inside, and the funny ones embarrass me to death.
So I would rather make my own.

I noticed a man and a woman. They looked different to me somehow.
I know it wasn't how they looked but they dressed in a different way.
I kept pondering it as the lady was so intent on the add paper and they
were talking quietly among themselves. I first heard the man talk and I
was struck at how beautiful his voice was, the tone and sound was very pleasing.
Then as I listened more intently, I noticed she had a accent, like Austrian.
Then I as listened to the gentleman I noticed his was to only not so pronounced.
She talked like Gabor sisters.
As I went on down the freezer aisle a man was putting frozen food in the case.
He told me" that eggs were on sale for 99 cents, did I want him to get some eggs?"
I smiled and said, " No, I had my own hens." He told me he lives in another town
on a acre and he has a goat. He wants chickens but his wife doesn't want to get them
because she doesn't want to butcher them. He asked if I did. I told him," No, I never could,
even though I do have some that need to be cooked." He laughed and I went on my way.
As I got to the check out counter, and I put my groceries all up, the girl that bagged my
groceries asked me" where I had been as she hadn't seen me in a week?"
She is home schooled so we talk about her school and things like that each week.
As I was driving home, I thought you know, life is all around us as our lives brush up
against total strangers in a place, the dramas being lived out that are more touching and
real than the things that happen on T.V. real life is filled with beauty, but like today,
I had time to pay attention.
So that is my day today, much better than the skunk last week. At 4:30 this morning
my husband got the flashlight and I got up with him and we both went out before the
dog left the bedroom. So maybe we did learn something from last week. Oh, and this
week I slept until 7:00 A.M.
Perfect bliss.
Have a wonderful weekend!
It sure was a weird storm. I've been trying to assemble the crib today. It's been horrendous.
I just get frustrated and generally annoyed at the grocery store. I always seem to be in a hurry in that store. But I was people watching last week in the big mall while I sipped my pumpkin latte. Hope you spent a nice afternoon reading your new magazine.
i talk to random strangers at the grocery store as well, and always seem to share a laugh or two. :)
I would be afraid to blog about the people in the grocery store here! However, I do understand how noticing humanity makes us closer to our fellow man. Sometimes, even when I'm a bit freaked out, I really feel such love and kindness to the people I'm observing. Awareness is good...acceptance is good, too. You're always blogging around the edges of what I'm sometimes already thinking! I love it!
Many hugs!
I'm glad that you had a great day and that you appreciate the little moments when you take time to observe people around you. You are always observant, even in nature.
That's is a quality that I have difficulty with as I always seem to be in a terrible rush when I go shopping. The only time I observe people is when I'm sitting in a public place or I'm waiting for someone.
I think that it's very sweet that you go grocery shopping with your husband. Hugs. JB
You have lovely weekend, too! Bumping up against people and their ways is encouraging, isn't it? I bet you were a sparkle they needed today.
Excellent observations! So insightful and, as always, a lovely poetic flow.
Hey, Hubs attended San Joaquin Delta College. Is that near y'all?
wow....7 a.m., is that "sleeping in"?? i talk to EVERYONE!! it drives my husband nuts!!
i forgot to say i love the new look!! so perfect for fall!!
I love fun convos at the grocery store! But I'd butcher a few chickens. :)
Ahhhh, sleeping until 7...what a blessing and a gift; good for you!
You're right. Taking the time to see those around you, and pay attention makes life that much more flaorful! It takes your mind off yourself and onto others in a wonderful way. I love this post and all you came in contact with. I love that you had a mid-week date with your hubby! Thanks for a good post!
Glad you had a good day especially at the grocery store....most of the time I am in a hurry but there are days I take my time and I too observe people around me...I love talking to the older people especially older couples...they are so sweet!
I LOVE to people watch! I am amazed at the uniqueness of each person. God is so creative. :)
Thank you so much for your sweet and encouraging comment on my blog. Kind comments warm the heart...
Have a wonderful Sunday,
Some of my best conversations have been with complete strangers. There is always something new to learn if you pay attention to what is going on around you.
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