I am almost finished with showing you projects I did this week.
Next week I have to do flowerbeds or people will be stopping to
see if the house is empty. So no more projects of the crafty kind.
I had a idea that if I stenciled a red star on the drop cloth I bought
last week they might look cute for the patio. So this morning,
I grabbed my red paint and cut out a template and stenciled
the star and put these together. It was kind of fun.

I like my rusty old chairs with the pillows, but when my husband
reads this post, I doubt if he lets me keep them this way, I know he will
want to paint them. I keep them hidden most of the time under cushions,
but I like the old look with the pillows. Now that I am looking at them
I maybe should have tea dyed them.

Okay, here is my rug, I am only showing you to keep myself humble.
Oh gosh, this is what happens when you start out using a rug hooking pattern,
and decide that it might look better using a punch needle and then deciding
that maybe adding stuff that wasn't in the pattern and just grabbing the
pen and drawing something else. Primitive right, remember that. :) I am going
for the primitive look. It is a rug after all and I need one for the garage bathroom.

This is a sunflower from last year, and I must have saved
seeds from this kind, because all of my sunflowers look just like this,
I know I planted other kinds but his is what kind is blooming. I am just
not having a good year in the garden this year. The corn is tasseling
and it isn't but a foot high.

Remember when I did this rug in February?I never finished the edges.
So today, I started thinking, I have lots of the drop cloth left, so you know
how when you quilt sometimes you can make a quilt sandwich? So I thought
why don't I make a rug sandwich. So I cut the backing cloth the same
size as my rug and sewed the backing right up next to my last edge of hooking,

Like this and now I have a stronger protection for the back of the rug.
I don't know if I would do it all of the time but the edges are all finished
and it looks neat and protected.
Julia and Kim give me some feed back please. It was so easy and quick, so
I wondered do you think I am breaking some rug hooking rule.
So that was my Friday, it was so nice to use my sewing machine and finish up
projects that have been bugging me to get finished. I am ready to start some new
projects but I can't until I finish up these old ones.
It has been a good week, and my brain feels so rested. Thank you for your
you always crack me up - you have to do flower beds or folks will wonder if the house is vacant... ha! i think those chairs look great all old and rusty, but i'd hate to sit on them! as much as i perspire, i'd have rust-butt!!!
and i LIKE primitive. you're too cute!
All those crafts came out so good! And I do like those red sunflowers. They're unusual. I imagine the birds enjoy them, if the seeds are all over the place.
i am exhausted just reading this....can you please send some of that energy my way!!!
love all your projects, i feel inspired, now i just need to stay inspired!!!
I think that sunflower is called a "Ring of Fire". I have some of those seeds (you know - the ones that didn't grow hahaha)
Your pillows are so cute on those chairs. I laughed at texwisgirl's comment about rust-butt!
There is nothing wrong with covering the back of your rug (in my opinion). Especially where it is for a floor rug, it will make it more durable. I wouldn't do it for one that is to hang on the wall though.
I'm beat tonight, but I will email you a catch up note soon.
I bought some drop cloths too. I'm going to make some simple valances for three windows. So, I am happy to hear that they sew well. I've read of others using them, so I thought I would give it a try for some inexpensive window treatments for showing the house.
You better not invited Texwis over unless you repaint those chairs. We don't want any rust-butt! Your corn is tassling and it's only a foot high. I read that out loud and one of the girls asked if you have miniature corn! lol I like your crafts. I know NOTHING about rug making. I found a bunch of rug hooking magazines at our local thrift store and I was in hurry, so I didn't grab them. I went back soon after, determined to get them for you and they were gone. Blast! I was kicking myself in my non-rust butt after that!
Have a good weekend! I'm wondering if this young lady will sleep in her chaps ;)She loves them.
Kim, You are so adorable, I love those sunflowers, they must look stunning growing everywhere.
Of course it's OK to finish your rug that way. I always say that rug rules are made to be broken or there would be no new development. You are an artist and do your own thing. I see so much LOVE expressed in this rug.
You are so disciplined to finish projects before starting new ones.
I love your old chairs but I would paint them as I would be afraid to do like texwisgirl and rust my butts, lol. All kidding aside, I think that they will last longer if you paint them with a rust resistant paint. Then I would spatter some dark paint over the off white paint and paint a big star on each.
I don't know much about primitive so maybe I should refrain from expressing my thoughts... Your pillows looks great. Have a great weekend. Hugs. JB
Sunflowers are so great. They don't do real well here where I live, so I try to seek them out in other places, and I see yours here. Nice.
I agree I think they are great rusty. I love that style of chair.
I LOVE the pillows!! And they do look good on the rusty chairs, haha...my hubby would have a fit too. I love your rugs as well. Soo creative you are. How I wish I could grow the sunflowers. I do enjoy them so...guess I will just have to admire yours. Hope you are having a wonderful week-end! HUGS, Debbie
I want those pillows -- please.. wink! And I believe when it is your project you can do "anything goes" rule that includes the rug issue - wink! I like the sunflower -- different or change is good..hugs
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