I just got back in the house from a marathon day of hula-hoeing
the entire garden. I even raked it all nice and smooth so that if
I get all braggy I can take pictures of my garden. Though I still
have weeds. Though not as many as before.
Today is week 20 of Wednesday Words for Weight Loss.
I had no idea we have been doing this for so long. To think if I had stuck to
it and had not had this bobble??? I would be at my goal. Oh well, I am happy
how is that.
On to the questions from Patrice.
Um well, I love BBQed vegetables and chicken and hamburgers and hot dogs
and oops, all of the above and throw in some watermelon and I am a happy
I never use oil to brown anything I use juice or water, gee, my daughter
says I was a better cook before Weight Watchers, so maybe I was I try to cook
that way on purpose. I do notice my kids always say things like " and so and so
used real mayonnaise in something and it was so good. "
It would be that cake you make that has the layers that is a family recipe.
Oh walking, I do run but I am afraid of my knees so I stick to walking, fast.
Lets see, the book about Beatrix Potter Holly How Farm I think and
I have lots on my night stand to read but I have been to busy to read and
too tired and night. I keep having to renew them at the library.
Thanks Patrice for hosting this I hope you all have a wonderful week and
I hope you stop by and visit Patrice.
Just checking in on you!
All joys,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
(I'm a walker too-treasuring healthy knees!)
I agree with all your bbq suggestions, but I would add shrimp. Marinated and skewered on the bq - perfect!
I like Caprese salad...with garden tomatoes, good olive oil with balsamic vinegar, fresh mozzarella, and fragrant basil! Chicken is my grill meat of choice. Can you tell it's dinnertime and I'm hungry? LOL
well....now i'm hungry & i just ate.
i love these posts...all the fun little details we leave out of everyday posts. i feel like i am getting to know you better.
thank you for the e-mail, it was so sweet and made me so joyous. i love following along with you my friend, you style for writing is very warm and inviting!!!
I always enjoy reading your WWWL, I too am a walker. I am behind in my reading.
Our heat index was over 100 today we came in early, but we got the garlic gathered and tied, it is now drying.
Mmmmm...BBQ! I think I like BBQ ANYTHING;))
Kim, I always love to read your Wednesday Post. Wow, you've been at it for 20 weeks! I've just been playing along but I never checked when I started.
Here are my answers today. I LOVE any kind of food but when given a choice this is what I choose.
1) A tender medium rare BBQ steak with lots of mushrooms
2) I stir fry vegetables with broccoli being my favorite veggie, and I use a little extra virgin olive oil and lots garlic and chicken breast and don't over cook my vegetables.
3)With the luxury of a chef in my kitchen I would like Chicken Fettuccine with Sundried Tomatoes and would like home made fettuccine noodles please, mmmm....
5) I just finished reading Heaven is for Real. So in that line of thinking those comfort food are a little bit of heaven on earth, isn't it?
I want to see your nice weed free garden. Hugs JB
4) Walking fast as long as it's not too hot.
Kim, I love reading your WWW. First I have to ask what hula hoeing is? Is it a fancy hoe? Your gardens are beautiful and I love the new header, very pretty. My walking schedule is four days a week, six miles and now I have added biking, it has not helped my waistline of yet, but I hope it is strengthing my 52 year old heart! My downfall is baking, I love to bake! Your jam looks so pretty, it is a bit early for strawberry season here, but soon. Hope you are well, thinking of you, your friend from Maine. BTW 96 degrees tomorrow!
oh, i'm glad dog trot farm asked that question - i've been meaning to ask about the hula hoe. you HAVE to take a picture of it (or have someone take a photo of you using it!!!)
It seems that everyone likes BBQ foods, so we ought to have a big BBQ for the blog buddies. I wish. Every time you say hula-hoe I mentally picture hula hoop. Some kind of brain glitch I guess. I wonder if I could still do a hula hoop??? It would sure help with this tummy bulge. I'm with everyone else who said you should show us your hula hoop- oops- I mean hula hoe. ;)
That list of bbq sounds yummy. Of course you would need a walk after all that!
God bless you, have a wonderful rest of your week.
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