I think this is how a new year looks. Lots of hills and valleys but it is not until we have walked through them do we understand what it really looks like. We have lovely 12 new months of living to live and all of them are a gift. I forget this quite often and moan and groan to much.
Today my prayer is this:
Dear Lord,
I stand on the threshold of a new year. I do not know what to ask for, yet I am content to wait for you to show me the way. So Lord I ask that this year, " you would take my life and let it be ever consecrated all for thee." That hymn goes through my mind and I find it as my prayer so often as I sit and pray.
The things I read this morning are these:
The measure of self-giving is the measure of fulfillment.
"Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others."
(1 Corinthians 10:24)
Nothing is meaningless. Nothing, for the Christian, is a dead end. All our endings are beginnings.
"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
(2 Corinthians 5:17)
I am so thankful to be reminded that being a Christan gives me such hope. The message of Jesus is a message of hope. The world wants to show you how in all the ways we fail, yet Jesus says," I am right here, didn't I tell you I will never leave thee nor forsake thee? So many times as I have held on to that verse, it has become my light in a dark place.
So today, I look boldly at the new year knowing I am walking towards it with Jesus at my side.
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