Tuesday, December 8, 2009

After the Storm

This was the sky this morning, I love the sky after a storm. It always gives me hope about the coming day. I woke up this morning with the sounds of closing doors and the sounds of new ones opening. Life I have found to be so full of doors that have closed when there was no way out of the tunnel and then you see a light, and there is a brand new door, waiting to be opened. Today my life is like this sky, full of promise.

On Sunday, I knew the storm was coming and I knew I needed to get out and pick all of the gourds. This is the bunch we picked. Now all winter they must sit and dry and mold and get all yucky. The mold gives interesting designs and as they dry they will loose the green color and turn brown. Can you see the one in the front of the picture that looks like some kind of shore bird waiting to be painted next summer when they are ready. Looking at each one has such opportunity for something else. I did keep looking for one that looked like a Santa Claus.

This morning as I was walking around I found this lovely picture of the last leaves on this branch. These leaves are lovelier because they made it through the storm and though a little banged up they glowed with a inner light. I loved how the moisture from the rain was still on the leaves.
As I walked around this morning and looked at every thing with new eyes, I had that heady experience of joy. So this is what I hang onto today.
" If we aim at happiness in this world, we will probably miss the mark of holiness. But of we aim at holiness, we can't fail to be happy." (Elisabeth Elliot)
" I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, as much as in all riches. "
(Psalm 119:14)

The way I feel this morning is that have been given a gift of all riches because God walks with us through all of our days and even when I thought I was alone, I never was. Truly, as He says, when you pass through the fires I will be with you, and guess what He was. :)
Blessings on this beautiful day!


Kessie said...

Oooh, such pretty pictures! And that's a lot of gourds. I had no idea there were so many out there.

I'm glad this was a morning of opening doors. What is it, a verse or a poem or something, that says something like, weeping lasts for a night, but joy comes in the morning?

Farm Girl said...

yeah, that is a psalm and I think that is what I think about a lot.