Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Chats on The Farmhouse Porch

It is time again to visit with Patrice on her porch. It has warmed up a bit today and the sunshine is really pretty. We will be getting some more rain and lots colder temps by the Thursday and the weekend so it is nice to have a bright sunshiny day.

Now onto this week's questions:

1.    What's your favorite thing to have in hot cocoa/ hot chocolate?

I don't drink it because I would rather have coffee or tea, but when I make it for the grand's I put lots of whip cream and sprinkles.

2.    Did you have a white Christmas? Have you had snow since then?

We haven't had snow in 15 years. I always hope that this will be the year. The snow by Friday will be down to 1500 feet which it the foothills around here but I doubt if it gets to the valley floor. It would be nice though.

3.    Have you been looking over seed catalogs? If this doesn't apply, what kind of catalogs do you like to leaf through?

Yes, I have, I love seed catalogs so I look at them over and over, but they do make me get spring fever so it is better to not look at them too much.

4.    Gas stove or electric?

5.    What's new or interesting?

Not much just planning the wedding and trying to get things finalized this week. Like guest lists and caterer and things like that.

Thank you to Patrice for this week's questions.
I always enjoy seeing them each week. Thanks for stopping by and visiting,

Everyday Ruralty


Primitive Stars said...

What fun questions....good answers to, always enjoy the chats...Blessings Francine.

Beth said...

Good questions and answers. I too prefer tea to hot chocolate!

Sue said...

Enjoyed this chat, today, Kim, whenever I get a chance I am looking at my seed catalogs. I love hot chocolate with whip creme, but don't drink it to much because of the calories, ~smile~
Thanks for sharing.

Julia said...

I too prefer coffee and tea.

I have lots of snow to share if you wants some but it might be a bit pricy to ship. We had snow at Christmas and it's still here.

I'm not as enthusiastic about planting seeds lately but I still like to look at seeds catalogues.

I have an electric stove and a wooden stove

I'll be a grandma again in March. That will be my 7th grandkid.

I hope that you are enjoying the wedding preparations. I'm looking forward to seeing the wedding pictures.


Patrice said...

YOu put sprinkles on the whipped cream? Wow! I'll be right over. :)

Alica said...

Mmmm...hot chocolate tastes so good with whipped cream. But I'm trying to be good, so I rarely have it. Coffee with just a little flavored creamer is a good substitute!

Kim said...

When I looked at this weeks questions and saw one on seed catalogs, I thought of you. Lol

Nellie said...

My husband ventured into the co-op in a nearby county where he had played golf today. He says their seeds for this season are already out!
xo Nellie

camp and cottage living said...

I bet you really wear out a seed catalog!
I don't drink hot chocolate either, but I like a Chai tea once in a while.
No snow in 15 years-I can't imagine it!

HeY J said...

loved the chats on the porch today with you all we do alot of tea in the evening but keep hot chocolate handy for the kids I will have to do a surprise thingy with the sprinkles love that idea thank you for sharing it. have a great week.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Like you, I prefer my coffee and tea. I bet you guys are having fun planning the menu.

Kerin said...

Once again, such fun questions, and great answers :)

Love the pictures!!

p.s. I could send you some of our snow, if you'd like ** grin**