Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch

I almost forget about the Chat on The Farmhouse Porch. My husband is still on vacation and I really have forgot what day it is, which is so nice. I am afraid I am going to turn into a slacker. I even slept until 6:30 this morning. I never sleep that late.

I hope you are having a nice start to the New Year. On to this week's questions:

1. Do you make New Years resolutions?

Not this year, just lots of lists.

 2.   What do you hope to accomplish this year?

My main ones are getting Emilie married and my son's graduation from high school. Then hanging up my teacher hat of 25 years.  That one is very scary for me.

3.    Tell me about your favorite place to think, create, or just relax.

I have this old blue rocking chair that is by a window. I sit in the early morning light and drink my coffee. I sit and think and I have my Bible close and I sit and have my quiet time there. I also have chairs every where around here to sit and reflect and think.

4.    Are you a fan of old movies? (Like the ones that were originally black and white.)

I love old movies!!!

5.    Tell me something that made you happy since our last porch visit. If you're new to the chats, tell me something good that has happened to you lately.

I have had lots of things that have made me happy this holiday season. I think one of the best was, I had been cooking for all of the people that were here for dinner. I hadn't had much time to just hang out with all of my grand children.  I have a picnic table that my kids used when they were small and when ever they come for dinner we bring it in the house so they can have their own little table.

I had a break and I walked in to see if they needed anything and all six of them turned at once and they all shouted, " Hi Grandma!"
I loved seeing their happy faces and how every single one of them were so happy to see me. At that moment I felt like I had the best life in the whole world and it made every thing I did that day worth it.

I am so thankful this year and this has been such a nice week to get caught up on my house work.

Thank you for stopping by today,


Debbie said...

Sometimes I sleep till 9 a.m., and I miss all the beautiful sunrises. I feel bad about that but the older I get, I find, I don't sleep we'll at night but for some reason can sleep in the morning.

Your images are beautiful today Kim, I really like the sailboat!

Kerin said...

Wonderful answers.

I too love old movies :)

What a sweet and warm welcome from your sweet grands.

Enjoy this New Year.

HeY J said...

great chatting with you this week it sounds wonderful to have so much grandma love shined down on you awww. just a note when you hang up teaching we are still here in blog land needing lessons so do not forget to give us some pointers just to keep it fresh LOL happy 2013

Kim said...

I had a hard time knowing what day it was last week. Vacations do that to me :)

Sherri said...

Love your oranges. My tree made 4 this year, I'm hoping they turn orange & sweet before we head back to work. I love vacations, but for me vacation is when I get to come home. Have a very Blessed & Happy New Year

Debbie said...

I slept yesterday until 6:15 and just couldn't believe it, haha. Nothing warms your heart like a group of grands is there? Enjoy your day!

Sue said...

I always enjoy your chats on the F-porch, Kim. I have got my days mixed up since the holidays fell on Tuesday, it usually takes me a week to get straightened out. ~smile~ I can just picture you grandchildren calling your name in unison, and seeing your smile. Isn't "Grandma" the sweetest name?
A wedding and a graduation in one year, what a great year you have in store.
love your photos, too.
Enjoy your day,

TexWisGirl said...

the kids' table made me smile. thanks, dear kim.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

What a sweet welcome from your grands ... that must have really warmed your heart.

I love old movies, too.

Julia said...

6:30 AM, I don't call that sleeping in. lol... I have a hard time getting out of bed at 6:30. If I didn't had to get up early, I would stay in bed till about 9:00.

When you hang up your teacher's hat, you'll have more time to do other things that you like. I'm sure that you will will fill that time very well.


Primitive Stars said...

Always enjoy the chats and the ansers.....Blessings Francine. said...

I was praying for you and your home schooling coming to an end. I have now been schooling 24 years and wonder how I will feel when it comes to an end or God changes our direction. Blessings, but then again, look at all those grand you are enjoying...that is just priceless.

Enjoy the fruit of your hands in all things this year.

Beth said...

Lovely post. Your comments about the grands welcoming you warmed my heart!

Cranberry Morning said...

Sounds like a busy summer (or springtime) for you! Hope all goes smoothly and that 2013 is a great year for you.

Patrice said...

I can just picture your sweet grandkids saying that in unison when you came in. Cute! Things like that make your day. I am such a big fan of old movies. I like new ones too- sometimes. Have a good Friday and weekend.