Saturday, January 12, 2013

Today on Saturday

Isn't this a gorgeous sunset? We have had some really pretty ones and this one just kept getting prettier and redder and I was cooking dinner watching it, I grabbed my camera and ran outside and got a few shots.
When I grew up, I had always lived out in the country. When I got married we moved into town. I was surrounded on every side by people. I would go out to my parents to breathe and be able to see the sky.

When we bought our first house, I could only see the sunrise at certain times of the year when it rose between the houses across the street. We bought our next house and the kids had a fort in the back yard. I would climb to the top of it to see the sunrise. Our house sat at the end of another street so sometimes in the winter I could see the sun set. If I stood on the side of our house and looked down the yard to the sky.

I asked God for 20 years if someday, I could live in a place where I could see the sun rise and the sun set Every single day. He did it. Now every single day I see the sun rise and the sun set and every day, I feel like I am the most blessed woman in the world.

I only got one sewing finish done this week. I didn't get as much sewing done as I hoped. This pattern is from Nan Lewis from Threadwork Primitives. This pattern is called Falling Snow Sampler.

I really enjoy working Nan's patterns. I know this is going to sound silly and maybe it is in my head, but just as when you read books you are listening to some Else's thoughts and sometimes it seems you can hear the authors voice. I think the same thing happens when I am stitching different patterns from different designers it is like that. Some designers are peaceful and calm. Some make me very happy. I have stitched some that make me agitated and when that happens I have to force myself to finish them. I have wondered why it feels that way, but the more I stitch the more I notice it. Nan always makes me feel happy and calm.

We are having the most wonderful January in terms of cold weather. Cold and frosty and getting to burn a fire every day and I keep a tea pot full of hot water on the stove. I love how everyone will come in from outside and make tea and sit down and visit for awhile. The oranges seem to be doing just fine with this cold.

When the blood oranges start to get ripe they get this lovely dark color. I picked this one after I took the picture. It is now sitting on the counter.

I love how they just hang in clusters and we will be picking them soon to bring in the house to eat. Until I started blogging I never thought about how blessed we were to be able to pick citrus and then I realized how hard it would be to only be able to buy it in the store.

 This is the pink grapefruit tree. I was picking some to give to my daughter yesterday and she had to say that she couldn't have them because she was allergic to them. I didn't know that. She told me that it is really a very common allergy to have. Which is fine we will just hog them all up ourselves. :)

This is the ripe lemons. I admit that as I was taking pictures this morning all I wanted to do was pick fruit and eat it. I think I might need some vitamin C. My son starts making pitchers of fresh lemon-aid this time of year.
I used to make gallons and gallons of it and freeze it in jars and then in the summer, I would take it out and let it thaw a bit and  would be kind of slushy and it was such a treat. This is really the first year we have had a good crop from this lemon tree.

The frost and and the cold has played havoc with my Camellias this year. I thought it looked pretty this morning.

I hope you have a very nice Saturday today. It is a beautiful morning here today.



TexWisGirl said...

you are blessed - in many ways. not the least of which is your gratitude for it. :)

Kris said...

That a beautiful sunset picture, thanks for sharing.

Beth said...

The sunset is beautiful and the fruit looks heavenly!

Pom Pom said...

Yummy! The citrus is gorgeous. I must brave the cold and go to the grocery store so I can buy some grapefruit. I crave them this time of year, too!
I am so glad that the Lord answered your prayers. Sunrises and sunsets are so holy.

Mary Ann said...

Oh, my gosh, to be able to walk outside and pick lemons and make fresh lemonade! How lucky you are!

moosecraft said...

Mmmmm... you're making my mouth water with all these pics of fresh citrus! I would love to be able to grow citrus in my yard! The sunset is gorgeous! And your stitches are perfect! Nan' design's are one of my favorites too!

Alica said...

Oh yummmm...I would LOVE to have fresh citrus in my back yard for the picking! I've tasted it that way, and there's nothing better. Enjoy some for me!!

Christine said...

Thank you so much for sharing the loveliest of Saturdays over at your place! I greatly admire Nan's work and your stitching looks so pretty too!
God bless

Anonymous said...

What beautiful fruit. You are very blessed!

Julia said...

How wonderful it must be not to have to buy citrus in the store. I didn't know that citrus trees could stand some frost. Maybe they are light frost but still frost is frost.
I'm glad that you got a good crop.

I too love seeing the sunrise and sun set. They are very breath taking sometimes.

The flower on you Camellia is so pretty.
Thanks for sharing your greatful thoughts with us.

Julia said...

I forgot about your cross stitch. It's pretty and looks like a lot of fun and easy to do. You sure are working fast with your new glasses.

Primitive Stars said...

What a beautiful sunset, warms my heart....thanks,nothing but cold here, Blessings Francine.

Kim said...

Your sunset is amazing. It looks so peaceful. I think having your own lemon tree is just the best. For some strange reason I've always wanted a lemon tree. But unless I move father south, I'll just have to envy yours.
It's been a crazy week. Will fill you in soon.

Sandy said...

You really are blessed to be able to just step outside and pick all that lovely fruit off your own trees. To me, the smell of a freshly cut lemon is just about the nicest smell there is. It makes me smile. Enjoy your harvest!

camp and cottage living said...

It is so interesting to me that it's cold enough for a fire, yet you're harvesting citrus fruits! How amazing you can just go out in your own yard and pic them for your family fresh.
Oh, I glad the Lord answered your prayer to see both the sunrise and the sunset both.
I have trees blocking the sunrises.

Dog Trot Farm said...

How perfectly wonderful to be able to pick fruit from your own trees...oranges, lemons, grapefruit, I am jealous. Your sunset is beautiful and so is the cross stitch. How is the wedding planning going? Your lovely home is the perfect setting...Hugs, Julie.

Patrice said...

I love camellias! I have citrus envy after seeing this post. :)

Razzberry Corner said...

Awww, the oranges and grapefruits and are so blessed! I have to settle for store-bought... Funny, I mentioned an orange in my post this morning, then I see you mentioned your citrus fruit yesterday! I should go have another orange! :)

Debbie said...

i am so jealous of all your fresh produce!!

gorgeous sunset, perfectly lovely tones!!

Sue said...

I am just drooling over all of your fresh fruit,Kim, you are so blessed to have all that citrus fruit so close by. You and I are so blessed to be able to see the sun rise and set, this is so beautiful.
And as always your needle work is so pretty.
Enjoy your Sunday evening.

Simple Home said...

I wished we lived closer; I'd come by and get some of your delicious looking fruit :) Beautiful sunset! I've been snapping photos of them alot lately too.