I finished my sign today. I wish I could take better pictures.
This was fun and I am glad to see it come together from my head.
I saw the original when I was looking for wing chairs at Pier One.
I wanted mine to be out of old barn wood.
Theirs was synthetic or something close to wood and much smaller.

What I loved about it was the keys. Then I didn't want
to use the hangers that they used on theirs but horseshoe
nails. I wanted to hang the little things I make on the nails.

This is how it looks hanging up I tried and tried to get a better
I finally had my son come down and take a picture and put
it into photoshop.

I am very happy that it looks like it is old and something I
found. I will be on the lookout for more keys and I just used
the ones I found at Michaels in the scrap booking section.
They worked just fine.
So that is it finished.
Thanks for coming along to see my old boards get turned into
something else. I am going to have to go find people's who don't want
their old fences and ask if I can have them. Who knew there was so much good
stuff in old boards.
Kim, I LOVE THIS!! You are so talented--this is really awesome. You could sell this in a heartbeat. Love the keys too--I have a few old skeleton keys and I would love to do something fun with them. This is a great idea. I also love the things you hung from the nails--much better than hooks by the way. Colors are perfect too :)
Hugs, Amy
Oh, I love it! That's so awesome! I love the keys too. I love old keys.
We'll probably be getting a new fence in the next few years (if it doesn't blow down first) so I'll make sure we save our old one for you.
Hey, that turned out looking so awesome! It's deliciously rustic. I love the keys, too, they add a bit of surprise texture to the individual letters. :-)
you're a smart girl!! The sign is beautiful and you will get a lot more joy because you and your hubby made it than just going out and buying one... I love making something from nothing!! :)
Love it! Great job! I would never have tackled something lie that. You are so brave!! :-)
WOW, great job, Kim! I love the prim colors, the style of the letters, what you've hung on there. AWESOME!!
Bravo!! A work of art! Your comment about fences reminded me of a time several years age when my husband tore down the very large, old, tobacco shed on our farm. People came out of the 'woodwork' begging and pleading for the pieces of the wood. We hadn't realized that we had so many friends! :)
WOW...I am totally impressed! I LOVE it....How creative you are..."saw" it in your mind, and then just made it out of old wood...awesome. Have a good day! HUGS
Aren't old boards the best? Looks great!! Lisa;-)
Wow! Great job! One of my favorite places in a word- home.
That is truly gorgeous! Love the colors, the textures, your paint. "Deliciously rustic" - I agree! You are really, really talented dearie. That is something you'd see in cottage shops all across the country. And you MADE it!
Once upon a time there were some old boards just sitting there in the elements without too much notice from any one. Any one that is, except the creative eyes of Kim who had great plans for them.
In her head, she had visions of great possibilities for those sad and lonely old weathered boards. All she needed now was time and a plan.
Soon she had everything figured out and she lovingly arranged to have the boards cut, and she dried away their sorrowful tears by the the stove to make them just right for her plan.
She painted and sanded and traced a word that meant the world to her so that her family would know without a doubt where they belong.
She even entertained her blogging friends teasingly as to guess what her new creation would be. So today as you open her post, you will hear in your mind all the Hoooos and the Haaaws she so rightfully deserves. The end. JB
hooos and the haaas of her fabulous creation. Bravo Kim, you did a reat job again.
OMG I love this. You obviously have a crafters brain. I look at a pile of old wood and see a pile of old wood! LOL You see a gorgeous sign.
Great job! Kim, did I miss a tutorial on them. I do envy you in a good way. When we get to heaven you will have to teach me so many things.
I do admire you so much.
Hugs, Sue
Looks great...I have bookshelves in my game room that were built from old fencing...it is my western room...so they work well in there. A man got the discarded fencing and then made bookshelves to sell to make money...they had lost everything...and I love how they look and the story behind them
Well Go girl...these are just wonderful!!! What an inspiration.
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