Friday, September 4, 2009

The View Outside My Window

This was what I saw this morning when I looked out.

Just a bit later it looked like this.

When I looked out again there was this gorgeous sunrise.

It is such a beautiful morning. I love clouds. This is one of my favorite poems by Ruth Graham.
"Clouds are the dust of His Feet
and watching the evening sky
I chuckled to think. "How neat.
God just passed by."
When we moved here and the tax lady came to asses the house for taxes, she kept remarking about our "dream house." I finally said, "Why do you keep calling it our dream house?" She replied," because you over built for the neighborhood, you don't have a view." I have thought about that many times since, most mornings I see the sunrise and the sun set which was all I ever wanted. I have that and I laugh now because I always have a view.


Kessie said...

But you can see the mountains all up and down! I'll bet the air quality was bad the day she came out, so you couldn't see the view.

Farm Girl said...

It might have been one of those days. Have a very nice day today.