Isn't this beautiful! This is what I saw this morning. To finally see dark clouds is just amazing to me. I could just sit and stare and watch them as they change. I loved the pink in this picture. Only a week left till the first day of fall. I am okay with this starting a bit early.

Oh Happy Monday!
You beat me to it! Haha! Have you gotten rain yet? Ben said it was raining at work and we've gotten some here at the house.
I went out to take Sasha for a walk and got drenched. It wasn't raining hard just really wet for here.
It never rains here like it does other places so I was very surprised.
When we got up and opened the front door at 7, it wasn't raining, but the sidewalk and street were wet, and it smelled like rain. Such a glorious smell! I haven't smelled it in ages!
I was really surprised how long it rained here. Everything was soaked and it still smells like rain. I got to wear jeans!
and real shoes, what a great day!
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