I love pictures of pumpkins. I have enjoyed so much, the having of so many pumpkins to play with to my hearts content. I found out this week, that if you use pumpkin in a recipe as you would applesauce to make it lower in calories and to add more fiber, I never get hungry. It is great. I made a brownie in a cup and only used 3 tablespoons of pumpkin and it was great. I didn't get hungry!
The boys found this cute you tube video with a guy playing the theme to Duck Tales, so now all through my house is the sound of guitars playing the song. It's cute.
One of my favorite authors is named Francois De la Mothe Fenelon He was born in 1651 in France and I always love his books. I found this prayer and it is a good prayer and means so much to me, I thought I would share it today.
"Lord, I know not what I ought to ask of Thee; Thou only knowest when I need; thou lovest me better than I know how to love myself. O Father! Give to thy child that which he himself knows not how to ask. I dare not ask either for crosses or consolations; I simply present myself before Thee, I open my heart to Thee. Behold my needs which I know not myself; see and do according to thy tender mercy. Smite or heal; depress me or raise me up; I adore all Thy purposes without knowing them; I am silent; I offer myself in sacrifice; I yield myself to Thee; I would have no other desire than to accomplish Thy will. Teach me to pray. Pray thyself in me Amen."
I love that part, "Teach me to pray. Pray thyself in me."
Don't you just love Saturday Mornings! :)
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