Last night as I looked out my window, this is what I saw. The rising of the moon. Remember from last post, my comment about my view? When I see a moon like this in September it is called a Harvest moon. I have a calendar that names all of the moons each month. One month the moon is called a wolf moon. The moon in December is called a blue moon. The last time we had a blue moon was when in snowed. Wouldn't it be nice to have snow again.
Oh, I would love snow again! Imagine how fun that would be for the babies! I am hoping it will be cool like it is supposed to this weekend. Ben has lots of projects planned!
I know, we passed on a love of this holiday. It is after all called, "Labor Day," It would be so much fun to see babies in the the snow. You know what is weird the last time it snowed Peter was Tyler's and Jack's age.
I do think it is time for snow!
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