I was looking at the calendar and it said, Grandparents Day. Wow grandparents have a day? I never knew this until this moment. What do people do on grandparents day? I was just curious.
I keep hoping the weather will cool off enough to turn these pumpkins into pies. I haven't got to the point of wanting pumpkin pie so bad I will eat it under a fan, but I am getting close.
I read a couple of things that have stuck with me this week and I have thought about them whenever I am just being quiet. Or, yesterday wanting to go shopping for antiques, this came to me, or while I was looking through a clothes catalog with really cool boots.
"When the mind thinks nothing,
When the soul covets nothing,
and the body acteth nothing that
is contrary to the will of God,
this is perfect sanctification."
Anonymous, (in an old Bible, 1599)
This is from Elisabeth Elliot
God shields us from most things we fear,
But when He chooses not to shield us, He unfailingly allots
grace in the measure needed.
It is for us to choose to receive or refuse it. Our joy or
our misery will depend on that choice.
(Secure in the Everlasting Arms.)
Just my random thoughts for a beautiful Sunday morning,
I love the way pumpkins look on your railing. It makes it look so homey and comfy. :D
They do and I keep wanting to send some home with you everytime I see you. Don't let me forget next time we see each other.
...hungry enough to eat it under a fan? What does that mean? :-)
I like those quotes, especially the Elizabeth Elliot one. Stillness and contentment are hard things for me to achieve.
Well, you know pumpkin pie tastes best when it is cloudy, and rainy and cold. I could make it then pretend the cloudy, and rainy part and eat it in front of a fan.
Well, gee whiz I am 51 and have yet to acquire these too but I am aspiring to do them. I would love to be content and quiet but there are very few days that I am. But I can set goals for them. I guess that is all I meant.
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