Just Today.
I am reposting a blog I did last year on this date. Not muchhas changed in a year, it is still beautiful and I still over bought on
seeds. This year though I did grow my own tomato and pepper plants.
I have been under the weather the last couple of days. So I thought
you might not mind a repeat as no one knew me as of yet when I wrote
Have a lovely Sunday.

Today is a beautiful day, the air is sweet and filled with
the smell of orange blossoms. The trees are covered in
new green leaves that are dancing in the breeze. I know
I will forget the beauty of spring when summer comes and
there will be no work outside because it will be 100 degrees
by noon, but today it is so lovely.
I bought way more seeds than any sane person needs. I can't wait
to go out and play in the dirt and I even bought tomato plants.
I wasn't going to but they were just sitting there and I was walking
by and they sort of jumped into my arms. :)
I am going to digress for a bit and tell you what I saw the other night.
I was looking out the window, and I saw this little black kitty sitting
under the lemon tree. The kitty was intent on what ever it was watching
and I wanted to go see what it was.
I walked out as the kitty faded into a shadow and disappeared into the
tall grass next door. The sun was gone and it was that mystery time
of twilight, that if you could stand very still and quietly, you might
see a tiny fairy, in the blossoms of the lemon tree gathering nectar
for her evening tea. The moon was a new moon and had a smile
on its face and Venus was just rising. The air was still and
twilight on this night was very blue. As I stood at the lemon
tree, I could hear katydids in the grass, and the lemon tree
was full of moths. There were lots of dusty millers, but there
were also the great big plumy night ones. That really do
look like fairy's. It is still so early in April I did not
know they would be hatched yet. I love the night
moths. I think they are prettier than butterflies.
I think it is wrong that moths only got a boring name when
they are so much prettier but you only see them at night.
I wanted to take a picture but my camera shutter wasn't fast
enough. I do love spring.
Have a wonderful day today,
I like the new picture at the top of your blog...the chickens look quite content! I'm also anxious to hear the sounds of spring you're describing...although there won't be any lemon trees in my neck of the woods. :) Hope your Sunday is great and you're soon feeling much better!
that was well worth a repeat. i felt like the little black kitty - totally entranced by fairy moths in the lemon tree... :)
It snowed here today...melted as fast as it hit the ground, but it was definitely snow. Your repeat post gives me hope that some of that hope of spring will be coming this way soon.
Feel better soon, and I too like the idea of the fairy moths. Florence
Oh what an enchanting time of year! I love this time of year...and you have portrayed it so well in your words.
Question how did you repost, so it come through the feeder? I have a few I think I am going to do that with.
Happy Palm Sunday!!
I love your new picture. The chickens are wonderful. Can't wait for my peeps to arrive May 3~! Can't wait to get in my garden too~!;-)
Kim, I'm sorry that you are under the weather today. I hope that you will feel all better shortly. I too buy more seeds than I can plant but I don't think of how big every tiny seeds develops and every year I buy less and less seeds and always have more than I need.
Thanks for your sweet comment on my Grandmother's Trunk Creative Challenge rug on my blog. Hugs, JB
Sorry you aren't feeling well...better soon I hope!
Beautiful post.......so descriptive, lovely word pictures.You are a gifted writer and you have an incredible eye for the beauty in the simple and ordinary things.Thanks for sharing this.....it made me smile!
Kim, I do hope you are feeling well soon, I'm sending sunny get well wishes from Maine in hopes they aid in a quick recovery! Blessings my friend.
drea firend I am back in the blog land - remember The Gough Inn - kristeen -- I am living in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.. Good I found you -- lost your blog address.. by the way get more seeds and store them in a sealed can -- seeds = gardens that's what we'll need... sorry to know you are under the weather -- hugs -- get better.. I'll be back!
I think that one of the most wonderful things about spring is that it brings out the fairy tale author in us. It is the inspiration behind the kind of writing you just blessed us with and for that I am thankful! I pray that you are well soon. I just recovered from a 4 day bout with the stomach flu myself...
Blessings, Debbie
Hi Kim, sorry you are not feeling well..... I enjoyed being there with you hearing the sounds and smelling the plants. and like you to be out playing in the soil, is so sweet. I am like a child playing when I am in my garden.
Praying you will be well soon.
Our granddaughter is becoming a gardener, and that makes it even more fun to see it passing along to another generation. She's only 3 but that is a time when personality is forming, so hopefully gardening and digging in the dirt, will stick with her.
We had our first tomatoes off this year's plants, and wonderful lettuce my husband had grown too. Nothing tastes better than newly picked produce from your own garden!
Loved this repost, although I did chuckle at your defending moths, as a hooker, I'm not against them in the Lemon tree, but definitely don't want any near my wool!
Hope you will feel better soon, wanted to pass on a tradition of our family, as it is something you may already do, but if not might want to. Today(yesterday now) is Palm Sunday. I was blessed to receive a picture of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, that hung in our grandparents dining room. Grandma always tucked the palm branch from the current year behind the picture after returning from church. I have several childhood memories of sitting at the table and looking at the picture and its palm.
Hope you are soon feeling better, you won't want to miss a moment of this wonderful season. Blessings of Easter to you and your family!
Catching up on my fav blogs, enjoy your writings very much.
Oh, to have sunflowers like in your header photo. I love sunflowers.
Beautifull header -- super nice photo..
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