This morning, we were going to pick the corn,
pumpkins, peaches and some cantaloupe.
While I was waiting for my husband, I was out
in the garden, and in my sunflowers, there were
so many hummingbirds. I have never seen so many.
I couldn't get pictures because they were all fighting.
I am going to go out early again and see if I sit, very
still I will be able to get some pictures.

This is the wheelbarrow full of pumpkins. Not
as good of a crop as last year. But nice nonetheless.
Of all of the things we grow, I think having a wheelbarrow
full of pumpkins makes me feel like the richest
woman in the world. I love pumpkins and the shape
and the color and I just think, I could never have too many
We had to harvest these as those creepy squash beetles have
found the vines and the pumpkins. They are everywhere.
I get so sick from any kind of poison we are pretty much
at the mercy of the bugs. Not to mention the bees are out there.

This is the second wheelbarrow, the corn is on the bottom
and then the cantaloupe and then two more things
of peaches. I am so glad we spent the whole day doing honey,
because peeling peaches like this is nothing at all.

This is how they look right now on my front porch,
in my old wheelbarrow. I just love it when it is full
of pumpkins.
Life is good.
Have a lovely Sunday!
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!
(Psalm. 107:6)
A bountiful harvest, for sure. I love all that you gathered today. That old wheelbarrow full of pumpkins...how delightful is that! Good luck with the hummingbird photos!
What abundance....I also love the white pumpkin...I stenciled on my white pumpkin last year..a decorative stencil and just love it
Wow, peaches!!!
I love the morning glory...isn't that what it is? Oh hummingbirds...truly a field of dreams
Another beautiful post. Your harvest is amazing and I am so jealous of your pumpkins. They are so perfect in your old wheelbarrow. I want one just like it :) What a great place you have.
Amy at Verde Farm
PS-I added you to my blog list on my site. This site is too pretty not to share :)
Amy at Verde Farm
I love the one white pumpkin! I kept thinking there was something wrong with your exposure at first.
And I think they're very nice pumpkins. They make me think of pie. You can keep the peaches, though. I read somewhere that if you dip them briefly in boiling water, you can peel off the whole skin with your fingers.
I was so disappointed to only get one tiny white one. I left the vines so maybe the other ones that are still growing will have a white one. Next year, (bite my tongue) I hope to plant the Cinderella kind and jack be Little's and more white ones.
Loved the picture of the morning glories (or are they petunias?). They look neon. Very cool. Was a little sad when I saw the baskets of peaches, tho. I planted a peach tree just last May and I don't think it's going to make it. It looks pretty sad. I was looking forward to picking my own peaches next year. Rats!
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