I love Sundays. Today I was thinking about my kids.
I was thinking of all of the jobs that I have had, being
a mother has been one of the best, next to being a wife.
I have lots of other hats but these are my favorite.
Today I would like to share with you my kids blogs.
My oldest daughter, has been online for years. She
had her own website at 14 or 15. She writes a blog called
Carroll's All Year Which is about her adventures in motherhood.
She has a second that she shows what she is drawing currently and
sometimes bits of stories that she is writing. Net raptor. org
My son writes too, only I think he started for me so he could help me
to write better. They both help me with my writing and my photography,
and this thing called blogland. His blog is Williams Cool Writing School.
My Daughter-in-Love has a blog that she writes about her knitting,
her cooking and life. Hers is called Little Bit Of Life. I am blessed,
to be surrounded by creative and talented people. They cause me to
do things I might not have tried. I prefer to live quietly and in the back
ground. When my husband suggested that we do a blog about our garden
last year, it was a huge step for me. HUGE!! I had never taken pictures,
I most certainly did not share things in public. Each day when I would
come to do a post, I would be sick at my stomach. The first time
I got a comment from someone who was not my family, I turned off
the computer and ran out of the room and I was never going to turn it
on again. It took me all day to come back in and get up the nerve to write
another post.
Now here I am a year later, I have shared more about myself, and my life,
and sometimes it does scare the life out of me to be so real. I continue to pray
about each thing that I write, because the bottom line of every post, is that
in some way I may bring glory to God. That is all.
I thought I would share with you because I am very proud of them.
I hope you have a lovely Sunday.
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!
(Psalm. 107:6)
A talented family! I think it's great that you all share the love for writing. So glad your husband talked you into blogging. I love to read your posts and your pictures are beautiful!
Amy at Verde Farm
You are truly blessed, surrounded by all this love and talent.
Kim, You are surrounded by a very loving and talented family. I so enjoy reading your blog and your photos are very professional, don't under estimate your abilities. I too find myself at times sharing feelings with the blog world than friends and family. Have a wonderful Sunday! Blessings from Maine.
Wow, thanks for all the blog advertising! I feel my head getting bigger already. :-)
OH! Kim, I am so glad you came back to that computer and kept writing. You have been such a blessing to me, I have enjoyed reading of your life each day, and so admire you for being so diligent in your posting. You keep me motivated to continue, as I stay so busy,and often ask myself this question... Why would anyone be interested in what I have to say? lol.I think of myself as being so boring. lol
I know you are so proud of your children, and I will check out their sites. I already read "Little Bit of Life" and enjoy it so much. I just have been so busy lately and not having much time to be on the computer.
here you are a year later, our favorite blogger!
i am always touched, either with tears or
laughter each time i visit. i bet your children
are prouder of you than you are of them!
now, i want to ask you a question and please
be honest.
i had a silly idea to write a post about being
afraid to tell you that i eat fried chicken. you
know how much you love your sweet chickens?
would that make you, at all, uncomfortable?
then i would link over here to your labor day
post about this being your sweetest batch of
chickens yet?
ps. i don't REALLY eat that much fried
chicken. :)
If there's one thing that blogging has done for me, it's to help me become a better writer. I always had the basic sentence structure and grammar down well, and I can spell, but there was just something lacking in the beginning.
Of course, now I hear I am eloquent. (And it made me giggle).
Lea, I confess a love of fried chicken too. Especially Church's. In point of fact, I hardly ever eat it now. Pretty much limited to 4th of July picnic food. High cholesterol and diabetes have curtailed my menu quite a bit.
So, have my fingers crossed it will not get us in trouble with Kim. But honesty is always the best policy in a family or between friends.
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