Today is Thankful Thursday. When I sit down here
at the computer to write my Thankful Thursday,
I sometimes want to just be a whiner and say, how
tired I am and how my back hurts, and then I say to myself,
buck-up!!! No one comes here to hear about that kind
of stuff. I guess I should tell you why, I am tired and why
my back is tired. Because really it is all good. It is something
to be thankful for too.
Today, it was cloudy, if you cranked the air down and
didn't go outside, you could even pretend it was a fall day. But
it isn't. It is hot. There is a hurricane in Mexico and we are
getting lots of moisture and thunderclouds and that kind
of stuff but it is still 99, I wanted to bake today. I have
been putting it off so today, I said, I am just going to cook.

I made these, two great big pans of these Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls.
I got the recipe here They are from Good Eats. Ever since
I read her post I have been thinking about them. I will say,
they make a ton and dough recipe is a lovely bread and the
orange color from the pumpkin makes them look so nice.
It was a bit like If You Give a Mouse A Cookie. because I had
leftover pumpkin so I baked two loaves of pumpkin bread.
Then I was making a big dinner tonight. My husband's birthday
is coming so I like to make the week before kinda special and cook
the things he loves. So tonight I fixed meat loaf, mashed potatoes,
gravy, and green beans and yeast rolls.
After I got the cinnamon rolls raising in the pan I started on the dinner
preparation. I was thinking as I was cooking, that I am so thankful that
I have food to cook. I am so thankful I can cook in this nice cool house.
I am thankful for my two ovens so I can cook lots more faster.
I am thankful that I can stand on my feet for five hours and then
my family will come in the door and there will be good food to eat.
I am thankful that I come from such a long line of woman who cooked
good food. I am thankful for my girls who cook good food for their families.
I am thankful to God who provides all things for us to enjoy. So just standing
in the kitchen there is so much to be thankful for and even though my feet are
tired, I know that my family has snacks, and breakfast and lunch tomorrow.
Some times I think the biggest blessing of my life has been the chance to be
a wife and mother. Of course I wear lots of hats but what woman doesn't.
I can say today that I have so many gifts and privileges that sometimes,
I do take them for granted.
I also wanted to say to all of my blogging friends I am thankful for you.
You have given me confidence to be who I am and sometimes I ponder,
that writing this blog and having someone read it has been the biggest blessing
of all. It has given me courage to live out loud. So I want to thank each and everyone
of you who have come into my heart and have given me joy.
Have a wonderful Thursday!
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!
(Psalm. 107:6)