I thought I would let you know that this is sort of a rambling
post. I don't have any deep thoughts tonight. To let you know
how un-deep my thought are tonight. I am reading Twilight.
Yep, my husband and sons are busy playing a video game together,
and my mind is so tired, I thought it was a good weekend to read
Twilight for the umpteenth time. So just so you know, part of
my secret life. :) I am a big Twilight Fan and I do think the books
are better. :)
One of the things I have done has been collect odd things.
I have always liked tiny things. The little teapot was my
husband's grandmothers. She had a whole collection of little
tiny teapots and cups all made of brass, but I felt funny taking
more than one when her things were being gone through.
The other tiny set is from my husband's Grandpa. It had been
his mothers and when he got sick and he was giving his things
away to my husband and my kids he asked me if I wanted it.
I just loved it.

That is written on the side of it so I guess this must
have been a souvenir. It is made of silver.

Can you see the little designs on the sides. I thought
maybe they might be salt shakers but I don't know.

This is the tiny little spoon that goes in the tiny little
pitchers. There are two.

These are the little teapots or maybe for cream or something.
I have no idea I am just guessing.

This is another thing I have had all of my life. When I was
little and my grandparents had their mountain cabin, this hung
in it. When they sold it and I went with my Dad and Grandpa to get
the stuff out of the cabin I asked if I could have it.
It has been with me my whole life. It is instead of a silver
tintype. It is on gold. It is of the falls in Yosemite. It is a picture
taken by Ansel Adams.
I was thinking about when I was a little girl and Barbies came out.
I loved Barbie and Ken. My Mom got me Midge. Do you remember Midge?
She was dark headed and I think I was the only girl in the whole school who had
Midge. I played with her and imagined she was blond.
My parents had these friends. We would go to their house on Saturday nights
and our parents would play cards. The peoples house was like going to the best and most
expensive toy store. The toys they had would take your breath away, if you are say
6 or 7. The girls had beautiful clothes.
My Mom would buy my clothes at Montgomery
Ward or J.C. Penney's and put them on lay away. I think they were like 5 dresses for 10
dollars or something. I have thought about that now that I am grown up. The people were
my Dad's business partners. When my Mom died, she had paid off the house we lived in and she left my Dad completely debt free. She was a very good manager.
You know, maybe my Mom was all about building character.
She also wouldn't let me eat cookies, I had to eat a apple. She was the kind of mom who
made us stay outside and play. She never let us turn on the T.V. either. She made us read
books. You know she was that kind of mother. :)
But what I was going to say, was this little girl had the most beautiful Barbie clothes I have
ever seen. Those Barbies had real fur coats, they had ball gowns and they had furniture
that the clothes fit in in giant hand made houses. She had lots of Barbies all kinds. She didn't
have Midge though.
When we would go there, I would beg to play Barbies. She hated her Barbies, we had to
play board games, or watch T.V. or play outside. She did have the most amazing play house
too. I always wanted to play house. She hated it. She liked scary movies so after
I would be at her house I would have nightmares for weeks. She seemed to enjoy
making me play these games and then it would be time to go and I would not
have played with the Barbies.
I think that was when I learned I was a freak. I know for sure I learned I wasn't cool.
I think about her from time to time. I ran into her sister and we talked about old times.
I did remember to ask what did they do with all of the Barbies and the clothes and all
of the wonderful things in those houses. She shrugged and said, "Oh she thought
her Mom gave it to Goodwill." I am 52 years old and I still wished I could play with
those Barbies and dress them in furs and I still would not play with Midge.
I don't think I am a hoarder, but there are times, you know, maybe it lurks within me
Have a wonderful Weekend.
Hey, I've never seen that stuff before! Those are pretty cool.
We had a Midge doll! She had dark hair and freckles! My sis had the Barbie and Midge. I got the little sister doll (can't remember her name right now) and we were given an Alan doll from another girl. :) We didn't have any accessories or clothes - other than what came with them. I liked the farm set and the tractors and dump truck better! :)
Did you have Skipper? My sister had Skipper. I made my own clothes out of pieces of material I found and thought they were the best. I really liked kitty's better though. Chickens too. We always had lots of farm cats that had kittens.
Good Saturday Morning Kim, I missed yesterdays post, so I will comment here... You have an amazing way of expressing your thoughts, and every time i read them, I know exactly what you are feeling as I have the same thoughts. It's like we are sitting in the same room, just chatting and you always encouraging me. Thank you.
Thanks for the links I will visit them.
Yes, I believe your mother was building character, and she did a fine job, I had similar experiences as a child , my best friend had all kinds of beautiful clothes, and I loved to go and spend the night at her house because she would let me wear some of them, I thought I was a princess. lol
Loved your treasures, but most of all your story..
Barbie and I go way back. I was an only child and there were not alot of kids in my neighborhood growing up - so Barbie and I spent hours together. I had a lot of Barbies and a suitcase full of clothes. Plus the camper, airplane, buggie, corvette, townhouse etc. I basically took over the 2nd living room. I wish I still had them.
PS. I have the Twilight books but never read them. Maybe, on your recommendation, I will. Have you read the Harry Potters? I loved them - read them at least twice.
My youngest girl had Barbies, kens and the whole thing.. She played with them for hours and even made clothes for them all.
You have a great post and this is my first time visiting.. Sometimes we just need to get into a good book and have fun reading..
Have a Tiggeriffic Day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)
WOW...your head was full of random things this morning and I LOVED all of it. Soo much I could comment on but I don't want to write a book on you, haha...Lets see, love your treasures (and all things meaningful like that) and my mom was VERY similiar..."get outside and play" was something I heard literally hundreds of times it seemed. My sister and I had a few Barbies, but NO Ken dolls (how I wanted a couple)...I had a Skipper. Remember her? And a Tutie...NO ONE had her...I loved her, haha...She has this long, long hair. I watch sooo many of the young families today and it seems their kids have more toys than they could ever use in a lifetime...WITH every accessory known to man to go with them. I think it is a HUGE mistake, but I won't get on my soapbox here, haha....I think our mother's were wiser than we knew. Have a wonderful week-end Kim! HUGS
My Barbie had a GI Joe doll as a fella! She liked a guy in uniform!!!! ;)
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