Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday Morning Blahs

I am finally getting Zinnias. I love them almost as much
as sunflowers.
It is Monday Morning and my husband went back to work
today. I think what is hard for me is adjustment to being
alone again. When he is at home I always have someone
to talk to, even if he is busy. He and I can be in the same
room not talking, he fixed my breakfast every day that he
was home. He would make me these wonderful omelets
and we would have brunch about 11sys. We would get up
real early and have coffee and some toast and go out to the
garden. We would go for walks and then when it would get
to hot to be out there he would come in and fix brunch.

We would go shopping together which was fun, but together
we get into trouble because we never tell each other "No."
He went grocery shopping with me and so it was like
having my very best friend around all of the time.

Now he is back at work. He will be distracted and have
so much on his plate. He will not sleep at night because
of the problem solving that is on his brain when he is working.

When we got married 30 years ago I was under the impression
that we would be together more just because we were married.
I thought I might get tired of him. I never have, I wish he never
had to go to work, I wish I never had to be alone.
He still is my best friend and now I must clean house, because
I didn't do it while he was home.
I hope you have a lovely Monday!

Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!

(Psalm. 107:6)


Meg said...

Aww, it is hard when they go back to work. The week Ben was working nights was actually really nice because he was home during the day. At least we get weekends with them.

Farm Girl said...

Yeah, what I find so hard to do is to remember what it was I did before they were home. Good thing the house is a mess, that give me something to do today.
Also it makes me panic because I have not done one single thing for school next year, which begins in six weeks!!! I feel like when I got up this morning, I was already late.

myletterstoemily said...

how sweet that you still love his company

he is a blessed man indeed. reminds me of
the verse from proverbs, "her husband has
confidence in her . . . he is respected in the
gates of the city." (very loose translation)

don't you think that the times when you
can't be with him, make the times together
all the sweeter?


Kessie said...

When Ryan is working, I always get so bored and lonely without him. And having small children, it gets tiring speaking in one-syllable words all day.

mariel said...

aww, kim, this is so sweet! I totally hear ya, man got laid off in january (7 months ago!!), but everyday it gets closer to him finding a job (hopefully). but that makes me sad, because i have SO enjoyed him home!! we go for walks, discuss our quiet times in the morning, shop together, read together and play with the kids together. he is my best friend, too and i know it will be sad when he is at a job with his mind on other things.

praying for you this week as you adjust to the quiet...

hugs, m