Friday, July 23, 2010

Bounty From The Garden

I picked this basket of tomatoes yesterday. I love
fresh picked tomatoes, and so do the chickens.
Nothing better than fresh tomatoes!

I was out taking pictures because Kristeen from
wanted to know what my patio looked like so I just snapped this picture,
I had no idea all of those animals were even in the back
yard until I looked at the pictures when I was putting them
on the computer.

I didn't know that there was a escaped rooster
checking out the flowerbeds.

I made flower bouquets yesterday so I could have
them all over the house. One of the things, that
I think is magical is having fresh flowers sitting

Then I had to share this lovely gift that came in
the mail from one of my lovely friends. I thought
it was cute and when she saw the title she thought,
" A farmgirl needed this," It made my day and I just
had to show it to you.

Life is good and I do love Fridays! I hope your is just
a wonderful day too.

Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!

(Psalm. 107:6)


Meg said...

Nice lookin' tomatoes! And it's true, fresh flowers are magical, especially when they're from your own garden.

What a cute gift! That is adorable. I look for little signs like that every time I go to Goodwill and can never seem to find any.

Farm Girl said...

I know I never find cute stuff like that either.

Kessie said...

I had to look at the full sized pic of the porch to see all the animals. You're like the Pied Piper ... they just follow you everywhere.

Those tomatoes are gorgeous! And no blossom rot to be seen! I've never seeded tomatoes before, so my first attempt at salsa took a long, long time as I had to learn about the internal structure of a tomato.

And what a cool present! Is it a book or a sign?

Moonpie primitives said...

Good morning Kim:
Wow!!!! yummy tomatoes, fresh flowers bouquets, and a treat from a friend all in one day. Sounds like life couldn't get any better...
Have fun, Nancy