Here I am again at Thankful Thursday. I was going
through my mind thinking about what am I thankful
for today. Today I am thankful for summer. Even
the heat because my garden likes it so much.

It makes me so happy to be able to pick food from my garden.
It makes me happy to know that I can give it away.
It makes me even happier hearing what my
lovely girls make with it and then knowing that
my grand babies like it too.
The thing I love about gardening is that it means I must
depend on the weather and the magic of taking a dry seed
putting it in the dirt, and watering it and then seeing what
comes up from that seed, then the best part collecting the
fruit or in this case vegetables. One of the things that
I stand and stare at is the difference in seeds. All different,
still seeds, but each one carries within a surprise.
I have always loved fairy tales. I love the magic that is
in the story. I think what I love is good triumphs. For me
out in the garden, I can believe easier in fairy-tales.
I can believe that hiding in my flowers are fairy's that
that are watching and hiding and waiting for me to leave.
In the garden, I can dream of impossibility and in the garden,
those dreams become realities.
But, like the seed, the soil and the rain and the sun, My dreams
become realities all because the biggest fairy tale of all became true,
2000 years ago, God became man, He showed us how we are to live,
and then to save us from death and to give us hope, He died, then
He did the impossible, He rose again from the dead.
I have stood at the side of too may caskets and begged God to do one
more miracle, and He has always said " No, will you trust me?" I always
turn and walk away, believing that God will change even this into a
good gift. So today, I am thankful for hope that gives me the gift to see
past the circumstances into life. Of course, to see the magic too.
Have a great Thursday!
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!
(Psalm. 107:6)
Great post. My sisters grow a large garden and share with many.
I think that's what I love the most out in the garden. If I could, I would get up really early and sit with my binoculars, because you see so many things if you just sit still and watch for a long time. I miss being able to do that.
Someday you will be able to do that.
Really you will. Think how many years I waited to do that. Everything will work out. Remember dream in the impossibility, God lives there and all we have to do is ask.
In the meantime, just like you have done so many times, there is wildlife all around you. :) Human and otherwise. :)Right now you have babies to watch. Way more interesting. Not to mention way cuter.
Hey, I like your new layout!
I always wished I could see fairies out in the wild. I'm glad you look for them too! ;)
just like Jesus used the common items around Him to visually teach, you taught and reminded today via your garden.
great post.
I miss my garden from last year. We have herbs and strawberries, but I was forbidden from planting till my heart's content, as I don't really like to "Tend" until my heart's content. Who wants to weed when they're 6 months pregnant? I'll try again next year. Your post made me want to try!
I love coming here and reading you. Such joy and peace comes to me with your words. Thank you for being you.
What a thankful post indeed. -- I think I spy a "heart shaped" in the first photo -- m I right -- wink! I love hearts -- I am thankful I found your blog -- thanks for all you share -- love it all! Wish I had a garden to work in -- I LOVE Veggies!
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