I picked this bushel basket of tomatoes this morning.
I think it is just a wonderful sight. When the girls come
over today, they get to take this home.
I hope they want to take nectarines and peaches.
I have decided that I am just going to pick cantaloupe
that are turning that lovely orangy color under the skin
so they can take some home anyway.
I have squash too, and eggs. My little new hens are
laying, finally. I think I am getting 5 tiny eggs from
Of course, a new sunflower was blooming this morning.

This is a new variety that I have never had before.
I went to Wal Mart to their seed section and they
must just get rejects or something, because some
packets might have 6 seeds or you might get some
with 50 seeds and they are always cheap.
I had already planted my good seeds and I was trying
to fill up a row and I just grabbed some packets and
now I am glad I did.
I am almost finished with my quilt block. I realized
why I am a dunce when it comes to sewing. Last night,
I was showing my husband my sad attempt at trying
to make a pinwheel block. I got the first one okay but
the other two were cute but not pinwheels. He looked
at them and said, laughing, " you have to make it pointy-
pointy in the middle." I looked at my first block it was okay,
but my second and third blocks their pointy-pointy
went every which way.
I said, " How could you see that, and he said, " well it looks
like it is supposed to be a pinwheel to me. That is how you would
make a pinwheel. He said, " it is just a pattern."
I sat there and stared at my blocks. Why it is so hard for me to sew,
is I don't see patterns. My daughter when she sews can see patterns but
I can't, but I am really good at ripping out.
I spent more time ripping out today than I did sew, but finally, I got
the thing all together and I am now doing the embroidery part.
I love to sew, it's just I am not real good at it, I have to work harder,
and longer at it.
My daughter came in as I was cutting out material and she said, "
Why don't you just give up?" " It looks so hard when you sew."
I looked up at her, and I said, " Because if I give up, I will never learn,
I would rather have tried and lost than never have tried at all, and because
where would I be if I had given up every time life got hard?"
She said, " Isn't it better to not fail?" I stood there with my rotary
cutter in my hand as I thought this out and I said, " I think it
is better to fail and learn something and go on and do a better job,
failure is a good thing, or we wouldn't have had the light bulb."
She shook her head and went on her merry way.
She has had a very hard time at work lately, so she isn't
her happy, positive self. I am shocked at things people
can say to other people that is so mean. She asked me
to look and see if she has a target on her back. I never wanted
this for any of my kids, but it does help them to learn, to never,
ever be mean to anyone who works in the public.
I told her when I worked in the dark ages about the time,
a lady came in and after staring at me for a bit, said, "
I don't think I care for your eye shadow." I still laugh,
because it was a new color.
I read this today and I will get off my soapbox.
" There is always exactly enough in each of our lives to
provide us with the opportunity to deny ourselves
and to take up the cross and to follow Him---
the opportunity to learn to know Jesus Christ
exactly where we are."
From Aging: The Forbidden Topic.
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!
(Psalm. 107:6)
that sunflower has got to be the most beautiful thing to come out of Wal-mart!! :)
Hope your day is blessed! <3
Yes! I will take nectarines and peaches! :D Lots, actually, because I want to make peach jam.
That is the funniest, prettiest flower. It's like it can't make up it's mind to be red or yellow.
Don't worry about matching a pattern. Lots of people don't and they call it "impressionist". You can be an impressionist quilter! ;)
Poor E. It makes me sad that she has to deal with all those jerks and I hope she doesn't become too jaded. But it's all part of growing up. She'll be stronger for it. However, I agree with you about trying and failing rather than not trying at all. That's what life is about!
Sorry for the long comment - see you this afternoon!
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