I hope you are all having nice days and all of your Christmas shopping is finished. All I have left to do is the baking. Okay onto this weeks questions:
1.What would you like to see under your Christmas tree?
This year is different, we have a new a new grand baby this Christmas and Nik will be spending his first Christmas with us. This year has been a challenging year for us. We have been so blessed though, because of the wonderful gifts God has given us. As we begin to close 2012 and make plans for 2013 I am reminded that the gift I want most under the tree, is that all who enter my home would feel like they have finally come home and they would feel love and acceptance and that the Holy Spirit would comfort them as they are welcomed into our arms. If there is one thing that I desire, it is that God would continue to fill me so that I will not grow weary and tired of doing good.
2.What is your best color for clothes?
Oh, I don't know anymore. Stuff that doesn't show stains. I spill things and drop things and get my clothes so dirty anymore. I can wear a white shirt about five minutes now before I spill coffee on it. I guess black.
3.Tell me your favorite kind of cookie.
My Sister in law makes for me every year, this kind called Reindeer food. It is just oatmeal and chocolate and peanut butter. You cook it on top of the stove and they are unbaked drop cookies. I love those things. I only have them when she brings them Christmas Eve. They are simple to make but I never do make them because I would eat them all by myself. I have to admit I have become a big fan of soft molasses cookies. I am crazy about molasses now.
4.What's in the middle of your dining table right now? (flowers, a lazy Susan with condiments, Christmas decorations...)
I have a snowman table runner and a ceramic snowman my husband's Grandmother made for me the first Christmas we were married. I think of it as my first Christmas decoration.
5.Please help me spread Christmas cheer to my buddy, Wendell. Please a wish for him here. :)
I hope you have a great year Wendall.
This week is just flying by. It does feel like Christmas though after not having cold weather last year. I am enjoying each day of cold, crisp weather.
Thank you so much Patrice for this week's questions
Hi Kim, you're something like me about which gifts I desire under the tree. I really don't need or desire any gifts except the gift of family love, peace and joy, of my family all feeling welcome in my home and feeling safe and loved and everyone healthy and happy. To me that's the greatest of all and little children too.
Black is just the righty color for me too, lol and for the same reason.
I love cranberry cookies the best. They taste so much better the next day as they get softer and the flavour develops.
I love your ceramic snowman and I recognize that's it's was made from a Gare mold. Very nice keepsake from your husband's grandmother.
It's snowing outside today and school is cancelled.
I wish I could send a little bit your way. It's so pretty.
Hugs, JB
Good morning! I love your header! It is cool here too, but not as cool as yours. I could stand it a little cooler, haha. Baking sounds good, but don't think I will do much this year. Just a little wrapping left and one gift for my youngest grand daughter to hunt down that never arrived after ordering it on line. One of the reasons online shopping is hard for me. Enjoy this beautiful day my friend, and I am praying we both find just that under our tree!
I'm so glad Nik gets to be with us this year! We need a bigger table though... ;)
God has blessed you with a growing family!
May you all be blessed this Christmas as you gather together - why does black still show up my stains - eg pancake batter, crumbs and my grey hairs!!!
God bless
I love blue and gray colors now. When I was younger it was bright orange and red.
It'll be such a nice Christmas this year! I feel like I have no problems at all. I want my home to be the same way--peaceful and welcoming, with the Holy Spirit present. I've found that it all starts in my heart. If my heart is in turmoil, so is my household.
Hey Kim, I want what you have under your tree.
i'll have what your having....both under the tree and in cookie form ;)))
Your answer to #2 just cracked me up. And I think you need to post that cookie recipe
These posts are always so fun to read. I like what you want under your tree! But I must admit, I already bought myself "something" to put under our tree...and actually it's in my cupboard already. I needed a mixer, and finally, after drooling for 19 years, bought a Kitchenaid mixer for myself. And...I made my favorite cookies with it...Peanut Blossoms! :)
Your #1 answer is precious- just like you. I like your table runner. Snowmen are so friendly! Wendell sends a hug.
Oh such fun to have the new grand baby here. Have a Merry Christmas with your family!
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