Now on to this weeks questions:
1. What's your favorite ornament on your tree? If you have no Christmas tree, please tell me about something pretty in your home that you enjoy.
Most of the ornaments I have are from friends and family and the ones the kids and I made. When they were small I would cut out shapes on my saw and then they would paint them for the tree. I think those are my favorites.
2. What do you do when a telemarketer calls?
I just say I am not interested. Most of the time though, they are automated so I never talk to anyone, I just hangup.
3. What was the last kind of candy you had? Admit it- you had one tiny little bite. We understand:)
I haven't had any at all. Isn't that weird. Chocolate makes my headaches so much more worse that I have just stopped eating it. Not to mention in the back of my mind is the wedding pictures that I am going to have to be in in just 5 short months. It has done wonders to make me stop eating things I shouldn't, :)
4. Do you send out Christmas cards? If not applicable- do you use snail mail?
Yes, but I haven't got to any card writing yet.
5. Please finish this. I sometimes wonder___________________________.
If we just couldn't go back to the way Christmas was when I was a kid. The focus was on the really nice dinner on Christmas Day at my grandparents house. It was much more simpler and less stress. Now my schedule looks like a crazy woman lives here with all of the notes about what is going on and who has to be where at what time.
Thank to Patrice for a bunch of nice questions this week.
I hope you are having a great week.
Now that there are no kids in my family, Christmas has become something much more focused on family rather than gifts. We all get stuff, but much less and we spend time together in my grandparents house...which is a tiny one bedroom cabin. We get smushed together and have to play games and talk to entertain ourselves. It's wonderful.
Talk to the telemarketers long enough to say, "Please put me on your no-call list." By law, they have to do it within 30 days.
i've not done cards yet, either... *sigh*
I agree Kim... I really wish Christmas would get back to enjoying time with family, having a deliciously special meal together and enjoying the tree and decorations. Now, it seems Christmas is all about the "wrapped presents"...
I bought cards.....but haven't done anything with them yet either :(
I wish Christmas was simple too. But then, if it was simple we probably wouldn't have such big families... So which is better?
I'm in a different mode this year. My cards are not being addressed yet abut I've reciprocated the ones I got so far.
Candies, I just had a jelly bear this morning just because someone gave me some.
Telemarketers, I can tell by the long pause before I hear someone at the other end. Sometimes when I feel in an evil mood, I just put the phone on the counter and let them talk and walk away until they are done talking to themselves.
When I get a persistent telemarketer I ask them what they don't understand of the words "I'm not interested" or "No" and I hang up. They seem to call when I'm trying to quickly prepare a meal.
All of my Christmas ornaments have special meaning. Most are homemade. I am eating chocolate right now, and my cards are still in the "printing" stage!
I wish I had the self control of the chocolate erghhh it is my kriptonite.
loved your last answer it would be nice to have simple dinners but I bet those grandmas wouldn't think they were simple. I am running late on my cards but not to bad. loved chatting with you on the porch have a great week :) Janice
I would love to go back to a simpler time also!
Stress at Christmas is no good. We're just having a lazy day today because I have a cold and don't feel up to much. We might go and sit in the sun once it warms up a bit, seeing as this next storm's supposed to cool it off so much. The citrus will get ripe, though. :-)
Wonderful answers!
I gave up on sending out Christmas cards, it became more of a chore, and I decided that those that I care about the most, I will most certainly keep in touch with all year long :)
Enjoy this wonderful Christmas season!
I don't answer the phone when it is a number I don't recognize. I love caller ID.
I had to laugh at Julia's reply about telemarketers...I'll have to try that one! :) My favorite ornaments are from Ten Thousand Villages. They are an organization that sells fair trade handmade gifts. Check them out online sometime when you get a chance! (I'm not putting a link to their website, but if you google it, it pops right up.)
Oh laughing at the telemarketers...we don't have a house phone and they have now started on my cell phone..I hang up!
You have the strong will steel...I have only three months until the wedding and really doubt that I will look any different LOL Go girl!!
Cold here the 20's last night
So much fun.....always a pleasure to hear the chats.....Blessings Francine.
Oh no I've just had quite a bit of chocolate! You're putting me to shame!! But I know I'll eat more tomorrow!
And I wish Christmas was simpler and we just enjoyed family time together over a delicious meal.
I would love to go back to a slower pace every day, but it would be even better for Christmas. Good girl to be resisting the goodies. I'm sure you'll be a lovely mother of the bride. I can't wait to see pictures. The bride will be so pretty. What joy!
Sadly, Christmas has become all about the getting. Everything is about spending money. What about spending time with loved ones? Spending energy helping someone in need? If we focused on that, Christmas would be much more special.
I know someone who gets migraines from eating chocolate. I hope that never happens to me.
Oh I am with you...I am soo excited a COLD storm is coming! YAY! And sounds like our tree is very similar...home made, kid made, and mainly gifted ornaments. The first year I was married a girlfriend and I made a BUNCH of dough art stars and gingerbread men and painted them and used yarn for the hooks...I still love them best. I hang up on telemarketers too. And i am soo with you on the simpler Christmases of past...soo good. Enjoy the rest of your day!
I think kid made ornaments is the one thing I miss most about homeschooling our daughter. I don't know why we didn't make Christmas ornaments when she was little. This is her last Christmas home since she'll be in college next year. I think that's what we're going to do...Make ornaments...Thanks for the inspiration. Have a blessed week:O)
My favorite ornament is a simple plastic snowman from my childhood. Hanging it brings back memories of the "fights" between my sisters and me over who would get to hang it on our trees when growing up. I have my cards on the table, just waiting for me to sign them, stuff them, address the envelopes and get them out into the mail. I need to get to them soon before I run out of time.
I wish it wasn't as hectic too. I have off today and plan to spend the day at the mall. For some women that would probably make their day. I can't stand shopping. I'm not a humbug, but its just mind bobbling how out of hand Christmas has become. Wish me luck!
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