Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Morning

One of the things that I find really interesting since my husband is so interested in doing Bonsai, is the plants he finds and brings home. This is called a Desert Rose. One of the things about it is the books say it is really hard to get them to bloom. My husbands plant started blooming this week. What you want on a Bonsai is a big base and you can't get a big base if you start with a cutting, you only get them from seed. The seeds from this are really valuable for my husband as these are hard plants to find.

See how big the base is and how interesting it looks. . He was going through his list of plants that he wants to use for Bonsai and I was amazed at how many rare plants he finds at Lowe's and Home Depot. He didn't find this one there though, and he has never seen another one.
This is the area that we made for our herbal tea garden. I need to harvest it and dry it. This is different kinds of mint and lemon balm and lemon thyme. I also have things here to help upset tummy's. It is one of the things I love about growing herbs is having a medicine cabinet growing outside my door.

A few of the girls out in the yard while I was taking pictures of the flowers. This is the bunch who rules the roost. You can tell by how pretty they are, it is amazing how you can tell the bosses from the slaves. The slaves all have messed up feathers. The hardest thing for me to watch with chickens is that pecking order thing they do to each other.
My black-eyed Susan's are just going crazy. They are such a happy flower and for a cutting flower none last as long as they do and they don't drop as much pollen as sunflowers do when you bring them in the house.
I have one parrot that sits on a tree out in the yard in the early morning. He screams at the house. I know he is pretty unhappy about there being no sunflowers. I also saw a lone Canadian goose flying over this morning.
I wondered where he was flying to all by his self.

This what is going on today. I think I have for sure one rooster in my chicks. He was trying to fight everyone this morning. I am okay with one, but not four. So we will see.

Have a great Monday,


TexWisGirl said...

your blossoms are beautiful. those sunflowers better grow quickly or you'll have some bird mutinies!

Marti said...

Black eyed Susans grow here too. I love their bright blossoms. It was interesting to learn a little about bonsai. Have a great day.

Julia said...

It's so nice seeing your husband's interest in bonsai culture. I looked up Desert Rose on the web and I was amazed at how huge the base can grow. It was massive and all covered in blossom in a huge pot.

I have some Black Eye Susan too but they are not in bloom yet.

Your herb garden looks so lovely. I haven't planted my garden yet. I just can't get into it this year. I've got no motivation at all, just aches and pain in my shoulders.

It would be nice if the chicken behaved nice to each other especially when they are well fed and don't have to scrounge for food. Such is the nature of chicken.

Have a beautiful day dear friend.


Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I'd never heard of Desert Roses ... very pretty, very unique.

I would like to grow an herb garden, but I would have to do it in containers since we're on a sloping lot, so the back of our house looks like a 2-story house ... so our deck is very high on the ground. I just don't know how much I'd use the herbs if I had to climb up & down the steps every time I wanted some. If I could put them in containers, I could set them out on the deck - just off the kitchen. Very convenient.

Beth said...

Your husband has some beautiful flowers.

I liked the pic of your girls too, if they are all girls. ;-)

Empty Nester said...

I saw a lone goose flying over the ponds a few days ago. Wonder if it's the same one? LOL My black eyed susans are growing but they are the slowest things! One sunflower is up to my waist and the others are about 2 feet! I had a dream the other night about touring a farm and seeing a bunch of bonsai trees there. I just knew it was y'alls farm! :)

Kessie said...

That flower is amazing looking. I'm not surprised Dad got it to bloom. He's got so many green thumbs, I think his entire hands are green. Also, is the roostery chick that one great big one? Are they getting any tamer yet?

Kim said...

Hmmm, it is strange to see just one Canadian Goose all alone. All of you southern gals have your flowers already. By the time ours bloom, everyone will be bored with flowers :)
Soon I will plant your seeds in the backyard.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Your black eyes are so pretty. Your husband must be very patient- I don't think I would be able to cut a bonsai tree- I would get impatient and chop it up!

Nancy said...

Loving your hubby's choice in the desert rose -- I've wanted one for awhile, but would have to order it online...

Everything looks so healthy there... great job! :)

Miss Debbie said...

Beautiful "Susans"!

Pom Pom said...

Hi Kim!
An herb tea garden? I love it! Remember the herbs I bought earlier this spring? They all died. Bummer. I do have volunteer lemon balm, so I'm not a complete failure at herb growing!
You have so many pretty plants!

Nellie said...

If you have too many roosters, you might have to have a "rooster rotisserie.":)
Lovely black-eyed Susans!

Alica said...

I really like your herb garden...I should learn more about the medicinal uses for these plants! It sure could come in handy!!

Debbie said...

awesome black eyed susans!!

no spring chicken said...

My son is interested in bonsai. I don't know if he has the time to properly give to such a hobby. Your husband obviously has patience and a green thumb.

I too dislike the pecking order of the chickens. We only have 4 and it seems that just one is the recipient of the feather ruffling.

Blessings, Debbie

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

I love the black eyed susans. I plan to get some later this summer. It's a long road to garden beds here on the hill. However, the veggies are in! Love the photos of the girls!

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

The girls feathers are so shiny. I hope you only have one rooster too.I had a small clump of Black Eyed Susan's but they became very sparse over the years and we pulled them out. I must get some more after seeing how pretty yours are. said...

I love to see you enjoying your husband's delight..and yes, so interesting. Oh your herbal teas, please share how you do it...I have mints growing and need to harvest, and I am trying to get other things to grow.
Your black-eyed susans remind me of my grandmother

Enjoyed...have a great day