Today on Tuesday, I am glad we have a cooler morning
than we have had for the last few days. It is nice to be able to
open the doors and let fresh air in this morning.
Last night we went out to pick some peppers, We just picked
about 5 minutes. We have so many more to pick.

My husband makes a Spanish Omelet each morning for
breakfast and he puts these kind of chilies in it. It is really
This spring when I planted cantaloupe I also planted
Musk Melon. I really didn't know to much about them.
Last night we decided we would just pick one and see what
it looked and tasted like.

They look like this on the outside. They have a hard

They look like this on the inside, just like a cantaloupe
except much bigger.

It tastes a bit like a cross between a cantaloupe and
a watermelon. It is very yummy. We started looking
and our vines are just covered in them. We just had not checked them
much because they are in a part of the garden that we don't
we go to much.
I hope you have a lovely Tuesday,
Are those chilies really hot? I'd love to know how to make a Spanish omelet.
Our cantaloupes are considered musk melons, so I'm interested to know what an actual "musk melon" really is. A cantaloupe, maybe? :-)
what a wonderful surprise to find so many musk melons.
i'm amazed to see all the yummy fruits and vegetables
in your garden, proverbs 31 woman!
Sounds like the Field of Dreams could soon be over-run with pumpkins and melons. What are you going to do with all those chili peppers?? Can you freeze them?? Is that a stupid question?
This morning was cooler for us too. But NOT cool enough to open the doors/windows and let it in. :(
Musk melon---I've have to try one of those!
Enjoyed seeing the fruits of your labor, the musk melon I love, too, we haven't grown any since we closed our produce market, I must put that on my list of seeds.
We are enjoying the cool mornings and evenings, porch sitting weather~smile~
Would you believe I finally got the garlic put in the stockings, yesterday. lol I am really LOL.
Enjoy your day.
the melon sounds yummy, indeed! you can keep the spanish omelette tho!
Mmmmm! My sister is drying slices of cantelope in the dehydrator and added a sprinkle of sugar and cinnamon...good.
We used to string our peppers by pushing a threaded needle through the stalk and hang them to dry. You can use them all winter and have seeds for planting next year.
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