This morning I was over visiting at Gumbo Lilly's and she had a
wonderful post about Sacred Days. I read through her post and as
I had been sitting here in stage three panic. ( School starts Monday.)
I thought instead of sitting here focusing on all of the things I need
to do and yes, even grumbling a bit that summer is over, why not
write some things that I am so thankful for and count my haves and
quit looking at the rest.

1. Having peace.
2. A clean house, clean clothes and food to eat.
3. Having all of the wonderful grand babies God has been so gracious to give us, as a gift.
4. Living a life, I only dreamed about, so that sometimes, I want to pinch myself in case,
it is but a dream.
5. My wonderful, very sweet husband, who still thinks I am funny and laughs all the time
at the stuff I say.

6. All of my children, who still like me and still like to hang out with me.
7. I should put this first as without it none of this matters, but having a relationship
with the Maker of heaven and earth who makes my life and all that is in it possible.
8. Watching the leaves drift down from the tree in front.
9. The smell of fall on the wind.
10. Fresh coffee brewing in the kitchen.

11. Sitting on the patio, having my first cup of coffee and watching the sun rise.
12. That God restores the years the locust have eaten.
13. I am glad I am here. Each decade has it's own challenges, 20s about being newly
married, 30s having a family and life. 40s finding out I didn't know it all. But 50s so far
have been the best, because now I know for sure I don't know a darn thing.
I can't do a single thing unless God is in it, and I know that I won't be getting better
with age, so I better stick real close to God to keep me nice so people won't run
the other way when they see me coming.
Just some thoughts today. Staring at the ocean makes me sit and think.
I hear the hawk so I need to go out and check my chickens. Have a wonderful
I'm glad you had such nice thoughts. Also your list about how you think in each decade, because I'm so totally in the 30s one. I wish I could skip straight to the 50s, but alas, I still have so much to learn.
Also, I'm sick of it being so hot. I looked at our forecast today, and it's all orange, and all I could do was sigh.
really sweet...
Aww, sweet thoughts. Somedays its hard to find the blessings amidst all the other stuff, but you always do.
That's why we love you.
life gets better after 50....for sure!!!
lot's to be grateful for and i enjoyed every single one!!!
It's funny, I just included a list of favorite things on my blog. With school starting soon, there is anxiety...so it did help to remember some of the wonderful things in my world. I enjoyed finding out about yours!
Great list....love #13...age 50 brings a whole new level of understanding and dependence, which is where we all wanted to be at age 20!!!
Have fun getting ready for school...I need to go find Benjamin's books, they are still somewhere in the pile of books in the garage...oh my!
I believe that by counting our blessings as you have, it really helps put into perspective just how fortunate we are.
Thank you for sharing yours.
I, too, love the freedom I've found in my life being in my 50's. It's such a relief to be comfortable in my own skin!
Take care friend-Kimberly
I marvel at how you just walk out here and have a little chat with yourself and God and all the rest of us.
Such a beautiful post! So many things to be grateful for- and I agree about finally realizing we don't know a darn thing! Totally agree!
Good stuff. I like your list.
How are the chickens?
Love all your thankful sentiments but especially love your snflowers!! They remind me of my mother who loved them and I will miss her every day for the rest of my life!!
I sat and read this as I nodded my head in agreement, and then sighed in enjoyment at the easy and gracious way you have of expressing the simple yet profound blessings of our lives.
I love this Kim...
I pray that I will be as wise as you when I turn 50! I depend on God, but I spend far too much time trying to do things without Him. I don't mean to, I just charge ahead without thinking. I need to be more careful. Hmm... I think I'll go check the chickens.
Blessings, Debbie
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