I cooked my food and I thought it turned out really nice.
I am not a food picture taker. I just can't make it look
like the food I see on blogs. For one thing, this took a long
time to prepare and by the time I was finished with it
I didn't want to fool with it anymore. My kitchen was a mess,
and sweat was running down my back and I was ready to
do something else.
I do love it that my kids go crazy over something that has
eggplant in it.

It got a little to brown but it was nice and crunchy on the outside
but moist and flavorful on the inside. I got the recipe here
I still burned the heck out of my tongue, so it really retains heat.
I made my dinner rolls, and they only ate 6 so you know what that means?
I am going to have these things here calling my name. All week. I haven't been
eating bread lately. You know that strawberry jam I made? Well, it goes really
good with these rolls that are going to be shouting at me from the kitchen.
My son, melted butter and put it on the outside when they came out of the oven.
I can't tell you where the recipe is because it lives in my head. It is my
all purpose dinner roll recipe that never fails. But, I don't measure anything.

I will pay attention next time I make them and I will
write it down so you can have it. I use it for cinnamon rolls and
stuff like that.
I ended up making two peach/blueberry pies. When I went to the store
this morning they had blueberries in great big containers so when they
start hitting our stores I buy them and start freezing and putting them
in the freezer. So I had them sitting on the counter and I thought
I would just add some blueberries to the peaches. My recipe is here

I did do my photo op picture but the pie didn't look very pretty.
I didn't feel like putting it into photo shop and doing all of that stuff
so this was how it looked. My husband ate my photo op pie and made yummy
sounds so I think that means it is a good recipe. He said he was going to request
it at Thanksgiving. I am so glad I have peaches in the freezer. Blueberries too.
Though one of the reasons I freeze blueberries are just in case it gets really
hot and the hens need a bit of something to cool them off. :)
It was a nice day, I hope your week is a nice week.
oh, the rolls with strawberry jam would be breakfast, and the pies would be lunch and dinner! :)
Mmm, I have been wanting lasagna and that eggplant Parmesan is not helping the craving. Sounds really tasty though. Me thinks I need to be making a pie too...
I made peach cobbler that flopped, as well as that freezer ice cream you make by just stirring it once in a while. It came out kind of chunky, but good. I'll probably eat the whole peach cobbler myself. My recipe called for lemon juice and zest in with the peaches, so I mixed in a few spoonfuls of my lemon marmalade instead. YUM.
Oh, everything looks so....yummy to me Kim.
I'm afraid I'd have the same problems with those rolls calling my name too.
Did you say you feed the chickens frozen blueberries when they get hot?
It is 12:30AM so maybe my brains not working up to par!
I love the thought of the chickens gorging themselves on frozen blueberries! I hope they know they're the luckiest chickens in the world!!
The food looks yummy.... because I feel I can taste it...mmmmm
Those rolls are amazing. I have a great recipe for buttermilk rolls that only have a short rise time. It's so hard to not eat the whole pan. Hubby's not a bread fiend, like myself, so....
You make a mean pie there, Miss! I love pie baking. My favorite to make is apple, but peach is right up there. I ought to make one and throw in the little bit of frozen blueberries that came from the bushes out back.
Love that the chickens like frozen blueberries. What a good idea...kind of like when I used to give my boys frozen peas to nibble on when they were toddlers.
Yes, pay attention next time on those rolls!
Those rolls are some of the prettiest rolls I have ever laid my eyes on! your pie, oh my. If you save me a slice I'll bring the french vanilla ice cream! Have a wonderful day, Julie.
I don't measure anything when I cook. It drives the lovelies crazy when they call for a recipe. I get this from my grandmother who got it from her mother and on and on back it goes. But girl, I would LOVE to have your dinner roll recipe! Birdie experiments with homemade bread (another reason we miss her so much) and I know she would love to try yours!
You are making me hungry. Mmmm fresh baked rolls right out of the oven - nothing better than that.
I hope your family kissed the cook! YUM! Those rolls would call my name, too! They are gorgeous!
Happy, happy, happy Monday, Kim!
Wow...look at you go...your family sure is blessed to have you around. Everything looks great, now I must get on your cooking kick.
This is another one of those posts that I can't let my husband see! Not only are you a marvel in the business of garden production, but then you brave the heat and sweat your way through the preparation of amazing meals. My family thinks it's a special day in the dog days of summer if I turn on a burner! Most everything comes off of the grill, or from the 'fridge...
Blessings, Debbie
i could live on bread and those rolls rock!! you did a wonderful job on this meal....i hope it brought as much joy to your family as it did to you!!!
i'll be by soon for pie.....i like a lil scoop of vanilla bean ice cream with mine, i'll bring that!!!
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