With Irene coming to call this weekend. My thought are
on hurricanes and preparations that all my friends are doing.
I have been in tornadoes and earthquakes, but never a hurricane.
I am not complaining though. I just want you to all know that
in this year of really incredible weather, my prayers will be with you.
So here is a light post about pumpkins. They are getting nice and orange.
I know that some of them I might have to pick soon as the vine is dying.
I just love the shapes and colors.

This is another one of the Cinderella pumpkins. I don't think
I could ever have too many of these. I can't wait until I can
decorate with them.

Isn't this one pretty? I like long stems so I try to be very careful
with them as they are growing.

Here are the tiny guys that our grand children can carry home
soon. I can't wait until they get to start coming out here and
getting to find them. The only thing is they think they are balls
to throw.

I know once the vines die back I will have more Jack-be-little's
but for now I have just found a couple. They aren't quite
orange yet.
So this is just a post about pumpkins. Nothing more.
I hope the weather man is wrong. But stay safe just in
case he is right.
We live less than 90 miles from where the eye will touch down Sunday in Massachusetts. Tomorrow we are moving my daughter into school in the mountains of New Hampshire. We are praying the rain holds off until her mattress is moved in.(apartment at college) Now to happy things. Cinderella pumpkins are my favorite of all the pumpkins. One year I found a white one, soooo pretty. Yours are lovely Kim!!!
Thanks for the prayers. I'm nervous for my boys. They are both in the Boston area and they don't really know how to prepare. If they need to, they could go to their dad's. I hope they are smart enough to stay inside and sit tight! I called both earlier today, but just got voice mail. Grrr.
I like the pumpkin post too! Makes me happy.
Beautiful pumpkin patch. WE had a few pumpkins too and our lil' grandson is so proud of them. He says they are all his since he put the seeds in the ground. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
if those don't shout 'fall' i don't know what would. :)
I had to take a break from all the preparations today and it was nice to stop by and see your pumpkins!
pretty pumpkins...pumpkins make me feel happy for some reason,.. I really like them...I'll be watching the news about Hurricane Irene too. my sons family lives in Newport News Virginia and they are hunkering down and preparing.
LOVE the pumpkins. I, too, am praying for friends/relatives on the East Coast.
Your "punkins" are looking great. We are not expected to feel the effects of Irene until Sunday night. So there is still time to stock up on junk food.
I love your Cinderella pumpkins. I didn't planted any pumpkins this year or even last year but I have some growing by my compost bin. Some of the seeds from my bought Halloween Pumpkins sprouted and started to grow by my back deck and is sprawled all over the lower deck and I can see what I thought were squash are indeed pumpkins.
I'm keeping all my blogging friends and their love ones in my prayers for God's safe keeping during this hurricane.
Have a safe weekend. JB
Hi Kim!
LOVE your pumpkins! I can't wait until the big piles of pumpkins are out in front of the grocery store and for sale on random street corners.
kim....i can't wait for fall. pumpkins, hay rides, mums and apple cider. i am so ready!!
oooohhhh and i love your pumpkins!!!!
Thank you for the thoughts and the prayers, Kim. Love your pumpkins, I was out taking photos of ours today, not knowing what the storm will do.
I'm looking forward to seeing how you decorate with your pumpkins. Do you ever can or freeze any?
Thank you for your prayers for my trip. I traveled 10 hrs today, so I only have 4 tomorrow
The perfect post for the pre-autumn blues! Thanks Kim!!
Blessings, Debbie
I'm hoping to have some nice small-ish pumpkins this fall. My plants are still growing and spreading.
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog Kim. To answer your question, No, I haven't picked up my hook yet but last evening I unrolled my Childhood Memories rug and ripped out part of the twisted ribbon border on the top left side as I wasn't pleased with it and I'm going to TRY to draw a better border.
The sun is hot today and Hubby is racing to do some more haying before the bad weather arrives. JB
Loved this post. :)
I hope everybody is safe and sound and i'll be praying too!
Your pumpkins look great! very nice color!
You are getting ready to pick your beautiful pumpkins and we are still watching everything die in our gardens. I will be more than happy to see fall come this year, but I think we still have at least a month of this.
My kitchen has a lot of green and pumpkin color, tile, island, etc, so fall is always my 'best look' in the kitchen. I can't wait! I will also get some big fat pumpkin spice candles and keep them going.
I'm praying too, for all of our friends on the east coast this weekend.
i/ love this post about pumpkins! hurry, fall!
Kim, nothing says Fall like the sight of a bright orange pumpkin! Cinderella's are my very favorite and unfortunately for me, I have just one growing in my garden. What a lucky gal you are to be able to share your pumpkins with grandchildren. Still waiting for Irene! Hugs, Julie.
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