I just had to take a picture of the crab-apples. They are just
so perfect on the tree.

I walked around this morning to try and get some pictures of my
sunflowers, but they are so sad, all doubled over almost to the ground,
because of the weight of the seeds. The others that I looked at were
almost picked clean by the finches that stay out there all day and eat.
I suppose there are English sparrows but what I see most are the finches.
While I was out there though a flock of parrots flew in and started eating.
They are so jumpy. They saw me and bit off some heads of the sunflowers and
flew off to other trees to enjoy breakfast.
So I walked around and took pictures of pumpkins. I hadn't noticed before,
but I have quite a large crop of white one. I only got one or two last year before
those yukky stink bugs got them. I have had the Department of Agriculture here
setting traps since the spring and I have my pest control spraying so I haven't seen
them like last year. I really hate doing that so much, but If I didn't stop it here
it might go on to other farms. I had a huge infestation of them last year, that after
the garden was plowed under they moved to the trunks of my fruit trees. There were
so many it looked like I had put red fur coats on the trunks.

I have some really nice Cinderella pumpkins. I hope they get lots

The white ones look like they might have cross bred with the Cinderella pumpkins as
they seem to be getting flatter. I planted a blue kind of pumpkin but I haven't found
any of those yet.

This is a bigger orange Cinderella and It looks like it will be a nice

I have some vines starting to die and these are visible now.
I didn't know they were there. These are perfect for my grand kids.
They are not as small as a Jack-be-Little and not as big as a regular pumpkin.
So they will be able to come out here and get their own pumpkins to take home.
If I never grew a garden again, I think I would always grow pumpkins. Well, and
I woke up today and it was hot and muggy. But walking out in the garden I can see
that everything is tired and ready for fall too. Just hint on the breeze, was
the smell of fall. The quiet touch of a memory that makes me dream of fires in the fireplace, and reading
as the wind blows and blusters.
Then I snap to and know that today is not that day, it is Monday of course and my to do
list is longer than my arm.
Have a lovely Monday,
Wow, your pumpkin crop is looking good. You should start looking up pumpkin recipes because I think your kids will be eating a lot of pumpkin stuff soon. Lol. I've had pumpkin cake and it is yummy. Love the new header photo, it looks so fresh. We had fresh yellow string beans for lunch. Mmmmm
no sign of fall yet here... :)
Oh I LOVE your Pumpkin patch:)
There is something magical about walking through pumpkins growing...I always feel like I am in a fairy tale.....
Gee, I better cook all the frozen pumpkin from last year to make room for this year's batch. Such riches! Can you make anything out of crab apples?
Yay for pumpkins! I opened my hall cabinet today and saw some of my fall decorations and thought "Hmm, I wonder if I could get funny looks if I put those up now?" I'm so ready for the leaves to fall!
OK Kim
You know the commandment about not coveting you neighbor's house? Well it didn't say anything about his/her gardens did it? Because if it does I may just have to quit visiting you! I am green with envy over your bountiful fruit and veggies.
I know that it has taken you years to develop what you have. And honestly I wouldn't begrudge you any of it. My hope springs eternal and I know we'll get to the place where we are more self sufficient someday.
Enjoy your blessings-I know you do.
Working on my "to do list" today, too!
Your musings make me smile, and your pumpkins make me hopeful that SOME DAY it will cool off and we will also see signs of fall. As you said... this is not that day, so I need to get busy watering! :)
I can't wait for fall. The pumpkins you have look great. I am so ready for summer to go bye-bye. We have great watermelons right now and I usually miss them when fall comes, but for now...Yum!
What a wonderful garden. Lots of pumpkin pie, one of my favorites...or fried pumpkin. It's not really fried, that's just what Mom called it. She would could all the liquid out of the pumpkin and season it.
Your pumpkins are wonderful. Especially the white ones. You got me worried with the stink bugs. I googled a picture of them and lo and behold, I have seen them among the blackberries. So, I might try some soapy water spray. Or at least flick them into a can of soapy water.
I love seeing your garden pictures.
Hugs and blessings,
Hi Kim! I finally took a walk around the neighborhood today and I noticed the same thing. Everything is looking a bit tired.
Those parrots crack me up! I get all excited when I see a goldfinch! They are zipping about, perching on my wild sunflowers.
I planted pumpkins one year. They were just okay, but I did love watching them grow. How fun for the grands to choose their pumpkins!
I took crab apple pictures today, too. They are such a rosy red. I love the color.
Yes, soon it will be fall. I am praying the temperature in my classroom won't melt me. I hate having to wear lightweight clothes, just so I won't be wilted by the end of the day. It's so nice to read your posts, my sweet kindred spirit.
No evidence of fall here, but we did get a much needed rain shower this evening. PTL!
Not even a hint of fall here. Just hot and humid, been the hottest summer I can remember in some time.
I loved seeing your pumpkin patch! They are among my favorite things since childhood. I don;t know why, but pumpkins always make me smile :) I am looking forward to autumn..it has been too humid thsi summer for my liking. Bring on the cool crisp air!
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