Today is the day for Wednesday Words for Weight Loss.
Hosted by lovely Patrice at Everyday Rurality. She came up with some
really fun questions today. I can't wait to get to them. So here we go.
Yes, we are BBQing more and eating lots more fruit. They had really nice
watermelon this week so I bought the first one this weekend. We just stood
and ate it like starving people. I love all of the fresh strawberries and the fresh
blueberries. So I am really in dare I say it Hog heaven.

No, it was cold and rainy and windy. Who knew we would be having a Memorial Day like that.
I really liked this question as I have thought about it so much. I would invite all of them over
and I would have a big tent in the front yard. I would have lots of food and we would sit and
talk and sew and laugh and cry if we had too. We could stay up all night and tell funny stories.
Then we could watch the sun come up and drink lots of hot tea and coffee and have a camp fire
and have incredible food for breakfast. Sorry, Patrice you would have to cook breakfast. :)
It would be like a giant slumber party with all of the best people in the whole world. :)

I love Greek vanilla yogurt.
I love it with strawberries and blueberries right now. My lovely girls make yogurt in their crockpots. Talk about wonderful smelling, so much better than what is at the store. I keep going
to make it myself too. I just haven't done it yet.
That they want to be my friend. I don't have the foggiest idea about how you make them.
I remember when I started school I was a bit backward. I thought you just walked up to someone and said, " I would you like to be my best friend?" On the day I wore white leotards
to kindergarten I asked a girl on the school bus would she like to be my best friend?
She said, sure, but I had to crawl under all of the bus seats until I reached her seat. So I did,
knowing I was going to get in so much trouble for my leotards getting dirty. I got up to
her seat and she started hitting me in the head with her lunch pail. I turned around and
crawled back.
She laughed and laughed and told everyone in school. So I still remain amazed that
people want to be my friend. Just as long as they don't hit me in the head with their lunch pail.

Thank you so much Patrice. I love Wednesday Words for Weightloss.
I love reading everyone's answers too. So if you get a chance, stop
by and visit some of the ladies.
Have a lovely Wednesday!
You crack me up! I am picturing you and your family eating the watermelon "like starving people" and I am giggling. Then,I read your bus story and "as long as they don't hit me in the head with their lunch pail" and I am laughing out loud!!! My hubby is saying..."What's going on? What's so funny?" "Oh, nothing (as I am trying to stop laughing) it's just my sweet and crazy friend with the chickens in California!" He's not good with names, but he can remember that! ha! ha! Thanks for the laugh..I needed it!
oh that girl was wicked! little brat.
ohmygosh, Kim! Love the idea of a bloggy friend slumber party! Sounds heavenly! And, you poor thing...crawling under all the bus seats only to get hit on the head with the lunch pail. I almost laughed...
What a horrid little brat that girl was. Pretty sure Karma caught up with her at some point!
I think Patrice should do the cooking at everyone's blog gathering---we would help, of course. But when you have access to a professional chef---LOL
Good Morning! First, I'd love to know how they make the yogurt. Never knew anyone who did that. And then, a bloggy slumber party sounds sooo wonderful. How I'd love to sit and chat and chat with soo many of you. And finally, what a mean thing to do! Why are kids soo mean!?? How sad that was. My little grandson was sooo upset the other day cuz some little girl on the bus kissed him on the cheek...I told him on the time, "Well, she could have kicked you...that's what they did when Grandma was little." Have a good day! I am going to be writing you an email today if I get the chance. If not today, soon. HUGS
Oh geez. I would have hauled out and hit her back. What a little brat.
Once. I have made yogurt once. And I probably won't make it again. Because Ben is the only one who eats it and I still have a quart of homemade in the freezer, since he likes the store kind better. =\
It makes me crazy that she did that to you! I'll forever remember that the girls in dirty tights are probably the sweetest...
Also, please don't have your party without me. I wouldn't want to miss it for the world. It sounds perfect!
I appreciated the wise words from your saintly older in the Lord friend. I think they are inspired. I just don't want to shy away from opportunities that I have in the past, for fear.
Blessings, Debbie
Oooo, your get-together sounds delightfully fun! Am I invited? LOL. Oh gracious that kid was horrible! As the old saying goes, "What goes around, comes around." I'm sure someone got paid her in kind at some point along the way.
Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes
Read today's post ...
One-Year Blogoversary
Mid-Week Blog Hops
I wish I could enjoy berries like you do - I'm allergic. I wouldn't want my friends hitting me over the head with a lunch pail either. Can I come to your blog party if I promise no lunch pail wars? ;)
Have a blessed week.
Making yogurt is a cinch: http://www.bitoflife.com/2011/03/whats-cookin-yogurt.html
I've been making it about once a week and eating it on fruit or mixed with raisins.
BBQ and fresh fruit ... I love summer!
Kim, I like your answers. I think that you have a lot of integrity as you didn't hit the bratty girl back and it a quality that I admire in a friend. I'm so glad that you are my friend and I will never hit you over the head with my lunch bucket even when we have our Blogger Friends get together.
I too make yogurt and it's easy but it's not the Greek type. Just plain yogurt. And I eat more salads now that the warmer weather is here.Hugs. JB
Hi I'm a new follower from the uk
I really enjoyed your blog as I'm on my own weight loss journey
Please come visit me anytime
Oh, precious Kim- I'l gladly do the cooking for your get together! I love berries. I think you need to do a blog post on crock pot yogurt. And... Give me that wretched little brat's name and I'll go buy a lunch pail and whack her! I'm a big eater, so it will be a big pail and a heck of a whack. That, however, summed up the way I was treated in grade school! You and I could have been friends and left the other anti-social girls to a round of lunch pail wars!
I too am enjoying fresh fruit, and watermelon is one of my favorite fruits. Please when you have that get together I want to be right there in the mist of all of the fun, and being at your home would be the best ever!
And Kim just for the record,... Who wouldn't want to be your friend, you are the kindest and one of the sweetest friends I have, even though it is only through words written on the internet. I feel as though we have been friends forever.
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