Thursday, May 19, 2011

Getting Caught Up

It has stopped raining for a bit so I went outside and took
a few pictures. My flowers have all been beat down because
of the wind. Not to mention the rain. The good thing about rain
this late in May is that it has the hint of summer in the air.
I think it shouts to me of promises yet to come, of sunshine,
of the smell of the warm water in the pool with the hint of chlorine.
I love that smell. The smell of hot grass as you walk over it in bare feet.
Even the sounds of chickens muttering to themselves as they take
dust baths .

I finally got my rug drawn out. I used Stitch Witchery
to draw out the pattern and then traced it onto linen.
It bled through with my sharpie and then I went back over it.
I was kind of excited how it turned out. I can't wait to start it
which will be today. My husband who isn't a big fan, well not a big
fan of primitive at all, was very nice as he looked down and said,"
you did a nice job of tracing." I laughed and laughed because he was
trying so hard to be nice. I had to show him the real picture of
what it is going to look like when it is finished.

I am sorry but this is all that is left of the fold over
my next pie in my book. It went so fast that by the time
I got my camera this is what it looked like. They ate
it as it came out of the oven. I will be making this again.
This is the picture in the cookbook.

It was fun to make. A cross between a fried pie and a pop tart.
I will give you the recipe tonight. I have fooled around this
morning and I am out of time and writing out recipes takes
me a long time. I also have a recipe for Rhubarb-Raspberry tart
I made yesterday too.
It feels nice to be baking again.
Bye for now,
Have a lovely day,

17 comments: said...

Okay, okay...I have got to go bake...LOL I have been wanting to do a pie and I know my guys would love have convicted me. Yes the sights, the smells, the food of summer...YEA...that is why I posted that picture on my sidebar of us all posing in the shouts slow down and enjoy!!

Have a wonderful day...and I love your project, I still haven't gotten my pillow done, but I am sanding down a rocker...maybe I will get it done this summer, with all the inspiration here in blog land I have no excuse.

TexWisGirl said...

empty plate = rousing success! :)

Meg said...

Oh, that looks good! Can't wait for the recipe. Did you find good stuff at Beverly's?

Kim said...

I don't know what is better - the smells of summer or the smell of a fresh warm pie......
We have had 2 and a half days of no rain - Yippee. The neighbors are all mowing their lawns today. I also love the smell of fresh cut grass.

Simple Home said...

It's a pretty good compliment to the cook when you can't get a photo because it was eaten up too quickly!!
I'm sure it was yummy.

Kessie said...

Oh, so THAT'S a fold-over pie. I never have any luck getting those to stick around, either. I figure that you have to make a thousand of them to ever have enough to save and freeze, because they're usually gone within minutes.

I'll also be interested to see your new primitive when it's done. :)

Unknown said...

Totally with you on the smell of rain, it brings up such good memories. Oh yeah, that pie looks damn delish!

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

Well, I love the pattern and the pie looks--or must have looked so good. I haven't made a pie in a while, but I can share with you the best pie crust recipe, if you'd like--my grammy's secret recipe.

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

Oooh that fried pie looks good!

no spring chicken said...

Goodness, this does look delicious! Well, obviously it is, seeing as it's gone. I look forward to the recipe.

Have you made rugs before. Maybe I didn't 'meet' you until after you posted about it before. This is something I have never tried but purpose to someday. I love your design!

Blessings, Debbie

Debbie said...

Oh your soo right. I love the smells of summer too. And the smell of little bodies as they get out of swimming pool is right near the top. I could add....sun tan lotion, watermellon, the ocean, soo much to look forward to. OH, how I wish I could bake a pie and eat it...but I don't have anybody left here to bake it for. My hubby shouldn't eat it either. Oh well, I will enjoy looking at all your wonderful efforts. Hope your day is going well. HUGS

Kim said...

Geez, I forgot to mention how cute the pattern is. Your husband is a funny guy! LOL

Thistle Cove Farm said...

We've had rain so much I'm thinking about building a boat! Tomorrow I'm making strawberry jam and, if it's not raining...hahahaha...will weed so I can plant some herbs and flowers.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

I can't wait for the directions. I just made a strawberry rhubarb pie that came out gummy and soupy at the same time. While it was baking I typed the post and everything. I will try another one this weekend. Have a good weekend. BTW,I love the picture of your gorgeous hen.

Ott, A. said...

I'm intrigued by your rug and will be anxious to see the finished product.

Julia said...

I can't wait to see how your rug turns out. It looks interesting. Is this your own pattern? I like primitive but I also like realistic rugs. JB

Larkrise garden girl said...

I love the pattern it looks wonderful!!