I have some sunflowers coming up. Lots of volunteer sunflowers
that I don't think will get to stay as they are all willy-nilly all
over the place. It does make me happy though to see signs of spring.
On my patio this afternoon it hit 80 degrees. I wanted to celebrate.

This is the lovely green grass next door. The only time
the place I live is green. Most the time I just live with shades
of brown. I wish I had a flock of sheep or goats to graze this down.

Of course the picture of my fence with the green next to it.
I had a lovely day today. I opened the doors so I could let in fresh
air. I know I am going to pay for this. It will turn into winter pretty soon.
When I got home today, I had a package in the mail. I wasn't expecting
anything then I saw the name and I was so excited. It from dear sweet Kim
who has the sweetest blog called Millie's Mats. She has taught me so much
about rug hooking. She is very patient with me.
Here is the lovely mat she sent.

I just wanted to share it with you today.
This has been a lovely day, I wish I could bottle it and send
you all just a bit of warm air. I noticed that the pear
trees across the road are starting to bloom.
I feel my mind beginning to slip. You know, planting
flowers, cleaning the flower beds, chopping weeds,
dreaming of gardens. All of that stuff that happens
in the spring. Forgetting it will be 100 degrees when it
will all need to be weeded.
Oh well, life is to short to not dance in the spring.
Have a lovely Tuesday.
So glad at you signs of spring. This is so welcoming. Green grass and to top it all a lovely Valentine gift from Kim. She's a sweetheart. I hope that this makes you feel great. Enjoy. Hugs, JB
That's it. I'm moving to where ever it is you live. More snow is predicted for tomorrow and I am ready to lay my eyes on some sprouting things. Soak in some green spring for all of us still in winter, okay?
It just cracks me up when you refer to February as Spring! Sprouting sunflowers ?? You know I have an active imagination but even I can't stretch my mind that far! Snow flurries tomorrow......
Glad you like your mat.
Kim :)
What a pretty mat! That is so cool you got a present in the mail.
"I wish I had a flock of sheep or goats to graze this down." I like this part, we can convince dad it would be good for when the boys aren't around to mow anymore...
Oh you lucky girl--sounds like a fabulous day indeed. 80 degrees? Oh I’m jealous. Sunflowers coming up in February--I can’t even imagine. How wonderful. Keep these posts coming so we can live vicariously through you. That mat is so cute. What a sweet blog buddy--I am telling ya--they are the best :)
I'm in the same Metroplex area as Wayside Wanderer so I too am not looking forward to another few days of 20 degree temps and snow again. Then 2 days later supposed to be 60. Anything we had blooming has shrunk back up into the frozenness. For now. Can't wait for it to be spring (again!)
What a happy surprise! I am so glad that you had such a wonderfully blessed day.....because you always bless mine!!
You give me hope that spring will come. Thank you.
oh gosh, we're going to have below zero wind chills this week...and you're talking spring? Nice for you! Enjoy it.
Such a nice mat! What a nice surprise! :-)
I was looking at my blog posts from last spring, and it's funny to see how small both the kids and the chickens were. :-)
Woot! (Yay...ummm...for you;)
I can't believe you have sunflowers growing already!!!! Seriously??????
Please send some of that here.
Thank you:)))
Oh how lush and green your grass is....We have parched brown grass with bits of snow and more snow on the way. The 80 degrees must feel so good. Soak some up for me!
The heart rug is just beautiful what a treat to find in the mail!
I just thought I would let you know that today is cloudy, cold and the wind is blowing. So my 80 degree temps are by a memory.
It was lovely and warm here yesterday too. Such a promise of what is coming. I LOVE that mat!! Have a wonderful day. HUGS
The mat is just beautiful...and your signs of spring are great..we are expecting snow and ice tonight, but today is in the high 50's with sunshine.
What a wonderful gift to receive in the mail. Besides something like that, I love to get new magazines in the mail! LOL My mom lives in Sacramento and was telling me the other day that she has flowers blooming already - here in Utah, it will be several more months before that starts......
Hi Kim,
I hope your having a great day,
It's so exciting to see the plants sprouting, and knowing that the beauty of spring is not to far off.
That was so sweet of your friend to send you the rug, it's adorable, and so thoughtful.
God bless,
My horses would love your grass!
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