I thought I would show you a little Cork Oak Tree that my husband
grew from a acorn. In the fall when we went to our towns Central Park
they have these lovely giant, old Cork Oak trees. Since my husband loves
growing trees from seed, he collected them and did all the internet said to do
to get a tree from an acorn. He went out Saturday and there was all of these
little trees. He is so excited.

This is his other project and he is growing mushrooms.
The manure had to mold like this so he has been really excited
waiting for all of the steps to happen.

This is my flop of the week. I decided to make soap.
I had all of my fats, and lye and everything ready to go.
I got my scale out to measure everything, and the battery was
dead in my scale. I looked and looked finally came up with a battery.
I measured out my lye, and my water. I took both outside
to mix. I went back in the house to get my fats melted.
got that part done, and I started looking for my candy thermometer.
Which I never did find. So I used a meat thermometer instead, which
isn't real exact. It is supposed to be 98 to 95 degrees when you add the lye.
I went outside and my lye was 160 so I ran a sink of cold water and
set the jar inside the sink and the water and came back in the house.
My fats ( Crisco, Olive oil, Coconut oil) were about 140 as well.
I decided I would get on and read some blogs. I was gone a while I guess.
I took the temperature of my lye and fats and they wouldn't register. So
I thought, well that looks good. Poured my lye into my fats and stirred, for
30 minutes.
It was time for me to take my son to piano lessons so I just poured the not soap
into the box I prepared.

I cleaned off a shelf and very carefully put it in the pantry.
So that is where it sits. I figure if it doesn't get hard into soap
in a couple of weeks, I will have very nice hand soap. I forgot
how much I love the smell of home made soap. It smells so clean.
It was a good refresher course.

I also finished this today. I am glad I got it finished before
Valentines Day. This is from Betty at PrimitiveBetty's.
I don't know if I would have ever had the courage to start
doing counted cross stitch again if not for her sweet little patterns.
I just wanted to share some of the things we have been doing around,
"the farm," this week.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mushrooms...let me know how this goes for ya. Girl I'm swoonin' over that precious little cross stitched pillow it's just preciously pretty.
God bless ya and have a beautiful weeked sweetie!!! :o)
I've messed up soap before, too. I just use the mistakes to clean the floor. The Valentine is cute!
What a productive week lady. I love the Valentine’s pillow--you do such great work and I am thrilled you got back to cross-stiching as I love my little pillow :0) I want to make soap and I’ve never tried. Can’t wait to see how the soap turns out. Your hubby is ambitious too--an oak tree and mushrooms--impressive. Green thumbs in your family :)
Hugs, Amy
You make soap too? Very cool, even if this is a practice batch. Your pillow is sweet. This month is flying by - I can't believe valentines day is so close.
Ooooh I love your little cross stitch! It's so pretty with the lace and fabric. Hope the soap turns out, but hey if not you're right. Just liquid soap!
Love that your hubby started oaks from acorns! My mom made homemade lye soap one summer. I loved that smell too! I hope yours turns out! If not, like you said, liquid soap is good too!
WOW - you've been one busy lady!!!! Wish I would have accomplished half so much:)
My,my you have been busy! I thought I had done well getting dinner on the table every night this week and making banana nut bread...you put me to shame!! ha! ha! I hope you have a lovely Sat. One of my co-workers is getting married in the afternoon and we are going to dinner with some friends (more like another set of parents, really),so it should be a nice day. It's suppose to be sunny and in the 60's I think. I'm liking that!
You are one amazingly busy lady! There is nothing like the smell of homemade soaps! Mushrooms will be fascinating tok watch grow and FUN to eat! The pretty valentine is perfect for this sweet weekend...have a happy one!
Wow...now what did I do this week?
I have been reading on all the health advantages of mushrooms...didn't ever think about growing them myself. Oh the soap, I have got to get up the nerve to do it, I have collected books and articles for years on how and still haven't got up the nerve to try.
Great week you had...love the tree from the acorn.
I highly recommend visiting the girl I did the last interview on (Kentucky Farm Girl). She's quite the soap maker. Have a good weekend!
WOW!! You have had a busy, busy week. I love the idea of growing a tree from an acorn! It has never even occured to me to make soap! How fun really...I love your cross stich...I haven't done it in years...wonder if I could anymore. Have a wonderful week-end...HUGS
Your life on the farm always makes me feel like I'm visiting 'little house on the prairie'... I am vicariously enjoying each trip. Keep sharing!!
I love the fact that your soap flop can be used for liquid hand soap if it doesn't get hard. Very frugal and creative!
Thanks for visiting Homestead Revival ™ and adding my button to your blog. I'm looking forward to getting to know you more!
I did a tutorial on making goat milk soap. It is here: http://edenhills.wordpress.com/2011/02/03/making-honey-oatmeal-goat-milk-soap/
I must say I am addicted to soap making.
excited to see the mushrooms grow!!!!
the soap thing sounds too exact for me, but hope yours turns out fab!
hugs, busy woman.
If first you don't succeed, try, try, again, and I know you will get it right. and then I hope you will post. I have not tried it, but might try it. This reminds me of when my grandmother would make her soap, she had a big black cast iron wash pot, that she made hers in, and it seems that the moon had to be in a certain phase.Your dh sounds like mine, my dh has wanted to grow mushrooms, and if you have any tips please let me know or of a source you would like to share.
Much love,
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