Do you ever have one of those days when it started out rough but turned out to be just an incredible day? I was supposed to go pick up my lab work yesterday. When I got there they had lost it. I had to have the lab report for today when I go for my surgical instructions. They wanted to do the whole thing all over again. As I sat in the office and prayed, I kept telling myself to find something good about waiting and praying they would find my paper work.
I had a book with me this time and I was reading Elizabeth's Elliot's book Secure in His Everlasting Arms.
There in the book was this prayer for me.
" Almighty God, give to Thy servant a meek and gentle spirit that may be slow to anger and easy to mercy and forgiveness. Give me a wise and constant heart, that I may never be moved to an intemperate anger for any injury that is done or offered. Lord, let me ever be courteous, and easy to be entreated; let me never fall into a peevish or contentious spirit, but follow peace with all men; offering forgiveness, inviting them by courtesies, ready to confess my own errors, apt to make amends, and desirous to be reconciled. Let no sickness or cross accidents, no employment or weariness make me angry or ungentle and discontented or unthankful or uneasy to them that minister to me, but in all things make me into the holy Jesus, Amen.
---Jeremy Taylor, 1613-1667---
Because I was not feeling that way at all. I over heard the doctor saying he was going to lunch. The poor girl came in and asked me had I left a yellow note on my paper work? I said yes, and she said she knew right where it was but the EKG was missing. I told her to do another one. Because I was nice, I think she went the extra mile and handled every thing even getting the doctors signature and faxing it to my eye appointment for today. Then she called me at home to tell me that every thing was done.
I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I was I sat there praying that prayer instead of making a complete ass of myself.
I got home and in the mail was some wonderful gifts.
First there was this lovely Valentine from my oldest Grandson in Arizona.
I held the envelope in my hands and I wanted to just sit and cry. I miss them so much. So it was so special for me to get it yesterday. His Mom said he did it all by himself.
Then a few weeks ago I won a giveaway from lovely
Christine, across the pond. When I saw the envelope with the post mark I was just so happy that it came yesterday when I needed it at the perfect time.
She sent a wonderful letter that reminded me of why I love blogging and then a wonderful calendar that just reminds me of what I need to be thinking of each day.
The boys told me about their incredible day that they had. I was so thankful for that and then Ron came home and his day had been just as special. The house was full of young men because high school was out and my son mentors these young men so they had come here to play board games. I felt very thankful last night when I went to bed. I wrote down a whole page of gratefulness.
When I said my 2014 word was rejoice. I really do find that easier to do than get upset. It is work though to choose my attitude. To choose to see others as more important than myself. To choose to give over my rights and to not act the way my nature wants. To be kind and gentle is never something that comes easy.
I have so many things now on my list of things, I am going to do when I see again. For years now, I have been wanting to make this quilt.
So I hopped over to
Crabapple Hill Studio and the pattern was on sale. So I took the plunge.
I was reading
Sharon at Moosecraft She so encouraged me that I thought it was about time to quit whining and do it. I am not afraid of the hand embroidery, and I have stared at those blocks. Pinwheels aren't my favorite but I think I could do this. I really think my list of things I want to do it going to get longer than I have time to sleep.
Now one more doctor appointment. I dreamed about this one last night though, in my dream I was taking care of bunnies in rabbit hutches. Some how in my mixed up brain taking care of bunnies would make my eyes work.
Have a lovely Tuesday.
"All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well."
---Julian of Norwich---