Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Welcome To February!

I am so excited on days I get to turn the calendar, and see a brand new month filled to the brim with new possibilities and new dreams to dream, and new things to make. A new month filled with lots of empty days on the calendar. Well sort of Meg's birthday is tomorrow, the cutest little ground hog in the world with her, little baby  soon to come is now just weeks away. My son's 19th gosh, how can time go by so fast?

 I finally finished January in the nick of time. It took me the whole month to do this, I just had a mental block against this snowman. Maybe it is because we haven't had any winter to speak of so I just rebelled when it came to making him. It is finished now and I started February last night. I like February a lot more, it has this color called Buckeye Scarlett. I am so nuts about that color of red, I am going to buy five more skeins. So when I like a color it is always easier for me to work on a project.
Do you want to see my rug? Okay, the little bit I have started is this.
Once I get around to hooking, I really enjoy it. It just makes me so happy to get to work with wool and to pull loops. I can talk with the kids when I hook, I can't when I am doing counted cross stitch. You know that walking and chewing gum thing, I am not very good at it.
I know this isn't a very good picture of the whole rug. See all of those letters? They have me shaking in my boots. The book I am using that I got the pattern from has a place where she tells you how to do letters. So I will be following that step by step. I haven't started my rooster rug, just because I am still a bit afraid of it. I am still in the staring at it stage. Then folding it up and putting it away. This will pass but for now, I am just not ready to tackle it. Gene Shepherd is a wonderful teacher and I think his rugs are beautiful but I don't know, I am not ever real wild about his choices of rug colors. It could be because he is the male of the species and he likes his colors bright and loud.
Anyway have a great Wednesday, and thank you for stopping by today,


Meg said...

I certainly do feel like a ground hog right now, complete with big round belly. ;)

I LOVE your sheep! He's so cute!! I think it will be very nice when it's all finished - don't give up on the letters! I don't blame you about the snowman, I feel like we've gotten jipped out of winter too and I just keep thinking "Well, why don't we just move into spring already?"

Patrice said...

How I tried to go into labor on Ground Hogs Day. I thought it would be a fun birthday. My doctor thought I was cruel. Some folks have no sense of humor!!! Have a great rest of the week!

Kim said...

Well February is off to a roaring start here - snow storm. My office closed at lunch time. So I do get an afternoon of hooking BUT an evening of shoveling :(
The stitchery is beautiful. I like those a lot. And the rug looks great. Perfect for a nursery.......(right Meg!) just sayin'

Christine said...

Well done for finishing the Jan. x stitch. It was worth the effort!
I hope you enjoy hooking as the pattern is great and already you're doing a great job!
Happy February!

Debbie said...

I love the rug! Soo cute. And the stitchery. Can't believe it is already Feb. Where has our winter been hiding? Exciting the baby is getting near. Have a good day! HUGS

Marti said...

Your little sheep is so cute. January did turn out nicely--the pillow that it. I hope you have a great February.

Kessie said...

Look at all those projects! And once the garden goes in and the weather heats up, away they'll all go because it's too hot to have them on your lap. At least we get chick pics in May! *excited*

Empty Nester said...

Thank you for my daily dose of positivity! We haven't had winter either and I want it! Even though it's never severe here, I do enjoy the cold temps. Love your January, can't wait to see February! The rug is adorable!

TexWisGirl said...

you're too cute. i like how you're intimidated by your creative projects (rather like i get before i begin a drawing). :)

Julia said...

Your January cross stitch is so beautiful and so is your little sheep.

I've had my nose in year end filing papers and totally forgot about tomorrow being Groundhog Day.

We had a snow storm today and everything has been cancelled and my toes are cold. I hope that we get an early spring. I'm sure with your daily positive attitude, February will fly by so fast.

I agree with you about Gene. He's a great teacher but I don't care for his bright colors choices.
We can always change colors to suit our taste.

I hope that your little ground hog comes out soon. Hugs. JB

camp and cottage living said...

Happy B'Day to Meg!
And I can see why it was hard to finish your snowman without any winter. We're having the same problem here.
Your lamb rug is off to a great start. I can't wait to see it done!
Happy February, Kim!

Debbie said...

i always feel joy here, no matter what you write!!

Sue said...

I am glad that February is here too, Kim as i know it is getting closer to the time when i will be out in the garden for longer times, even though it was in the 70's yesterday and today so i took advantage of it. ~smile~
Wishing Meg a very happy birthday.
Your handiwork is beautiful as always, just love the colors, I am still enjoying my pillow and think of you when I see it.
Enjoy your week,

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

Your sheep rug is off to a great start! I just read about hooking think of them as lines. Also, hook a bit of background around them get them set! That pattern looks familiar. I think I have a book with that one in it.
I can't wait to see it done. I like your January stitching...but I want spring more. I'm snowed out!

Nancy said...

You just make me smile to come over for a visit....You have been so busy with all your projects and I have loved seeing them all....Your January one is perfect and your rug is off to a good start.....

I hope February doesn't surprise us with all the weather goodies we haven't had....Oh well.....

Have a great day....

no spring chicken said...

February. Can it be possible? I understand about the snowman... how can we equate January with a snowman when there hasn't been any snow? Love the cross stitch though... and the rug!

Blessings, Debbie

Anonymous said...

You've been tagged!
McGuffy's Reader

Janie said...

Lovely February welcome post of flowers. I keep thinking later in the summer you are going to put a bunch of sunflowers up, and get me going on them.
