Friday, October 26, 2012

Today on Friday

Hello Flu,

I am so sorry you showed up here today,
with all of your baggage, it looks like to stay.
I know I need the exercise, running up stairs and down.
But please, could you stop, and not get everyone down.

Today I look for some excuse to be glad.
Here is what my verses will say;
My house will be clean, by the end of the day.
The washer and dryer humming along.
The faint taint of Lysol and bleach perfuming the air.

So flu, so very sorry it is you.
Of all of the things going on in life it seems,
I just want to say, good-bye,
Come some other day.

Have a nice weekend, stay well my friends,


Debbie said...

oh no kim, what a bummer!!

i hope it doesn't stay too long, like those unwanted house guests you just can't get rid of ;))))

Christine said...

Hope you manage to shake it asap.
Thinking of you and praying for you too.

Meg said...

Oh no! What a terrible thing for the weekend. I hope you are all better soon. Do you need anything?

Julia said...

Kim, I'm so sorry that you are sick with the flu but I like your cute way of blogging today. I hope your uninvited guest goes away today.
I think that you will have to just let the house work go undone and rest so you can get back to feeling better real soon.

Sending healing prayers and (((hugs)))

Alica said...

Sorry you're sick! Nasty flu bug...get outta there!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, dear! sorry your household was hit again!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Oh my ... so sorry that the flu has hit your household. Praying that he will not linger ... and that you all will feel better SOON. {{{hug}}}

Nellie said...

Oh, dear! Sending along wishes for everyone to be healthy VERY SOON! xo Nellie

NanaNor's said...

Kim, So sorry you have the flu at your house; not sure whether a cold/flu is better than the stomach flu-neither is much fun! Get better soon dear one.
Hugs, Noreen

myletterstoemily said...

i pray that it stays away from you!
cute poem!!

Plant Seeds of Happiness said...

Got a healing prayer in for you & the fam. Take Care :]

Dog Trot Farm said...

Not the dreaded flu! Oh, I hope you and your family are well soon. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery, blessings to you my friend, Julie.

Patrice said...

I, too, am running up and down the stairs and wearing Clorox perfume. The washer is tired and so am I. My dishwasher is broken (4 months old- but I got the extended care plan!!!Yay!) My youngest has the flu. Two days of 102-104 temps that were non-stop! Scary! She has cooled off, but now has all the nose and throat symptoms. Poor baby. I hope nobody else comes down.

She woke up sick on my oldest's 18th birthday. We were supposed to drive to her college. take a picnic lunch and visit Mount Vernon (George Washington's home). It turned out that hubby took her to lunch and they sat at the dock at their favorite town. I was bummed out that I couldn't celebrate with her, but 18 years ago the two of them ran off together too. Actually, they flew off in a helicopter together since she was in respiratory distress as a newborn preemie. I had to stay at the hospital since I had a c-section. It's was history just repeating itself.

Wishing healing for your family, rest for you, and most of all- that you stay well. Isn't it always the way that mamas work so hard that they get exhausted and lower their resistance to the bug. A big hug, and a sympathetic shoulder:)

Primitive Stars said...

Oh poor you Kim.....sure hope you feel better soon....Blessings Francine.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Kim ~
So sorry :( I hope you have a mild case and feel better soon.
Hugs :)

Gail said...

Oh, no! May you heal quickly.

Pom Pom said...

Darn! I hope everyone is feeling well soon! Keep washing your hands, Florence Nightingale! said...

Yuck! I hope it goes out the door, chased by a determined lady with Lysol! :)

Maryann said...

So sorry Kim, I hope this unwelcome visitor checks out very soon

annie said...

Hope since it came, it will go quickly & never return. It's too early in the season to start with the flu bug!

Debbie said...

Oh no!! Hopefully he will find himself unwelcome, and make a quick exist!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh's not time for that already is it? So sorry...feel better soonest!

Kerin said...

Shoot and bagooties! So sorry to hear that the flu is visiting you.
Hope you feel better soon, and sail through the holidays in good health!!

Miss Debbie said...

Oh sorry the flu bug has bit you! Hope it is over quickly!

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Oh no, not the dreaded flu. I hope everyone comes through it ok. Doesn't it spread fast when it comes into the house.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

I hate that for you; it's never a good time to be sick and "now" is especially not good!